The extra classes

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Christmas was quickly approaching, too quickly according to Lillian. Christmas was always rough for her. Not knowing who her mother was didn't bother her as much when she was younger. Now in her teens, she couldn't help but wonder who it might have been. Her thoughts so easy to hear that her father could hear them all the way down to the potions room in the dungeons. Lillian was fragile, he knew that, but he also knew she was stronger than what she thought. He was looking down at an empty piece of parchment in front of him. His head spinning with gift ideas. This Christmas he was gonna give her something she had always wanted. Yet, he didn't know how to do it. This was frustrating him to no end. Until Lillian had come along he had always known what to say and what to do. With her it was different, she was his daughter. How could he protect her from Death eaters if she knew? Shaking his head slightly he knew this was not his secret to keep, not from her. A light bulb went of in his head as he started scribbling on his parchment.

Lillian was staring at her father, she was focused and ready for his next attack. As he entered her mind yet again she started breathing heavily. Focus Lillian, keep your mind shut! A scream escaped her lips as she pushed him out of her mind and straight into the brick wall behind him. "Father!" She hurried towards him to help him up. Expecting him to be mad she was in for a surprise when she noticed that he seemed almost, happy? No, that couldn't be right. Yet it somehow was.. confused she looked at him as he got up and removed some dust from his cloak. "You need to dust more often" she couldn't help but chuckle at her own wit. Rolling his eyes he looked at her. How could she be so strong? Lillian was 13 years old and somehow managed to push him out like that. Not being able to help himself he compared her to Harry Potter. Yes Harry had done the patronus charm at her age, but this was far more impressive than that. "Again" Lillian's voice rang into the silent room. With a nod he tried again.

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