The question

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A few days later Lillian was walking down by the lake alone. Just as she was about to head back to the castle she noticed someone was watching her from the forest. Closing her eyes she buried herself into the other person's mind. It was a boy and now he was walking towards her. He seemed like he wanted to ask her something but she couldn't really get a grip of it as he touched her shoulder and she spun around. "Eh. Hi?" The boy seemed almost embarrassed. It was one of those from Durmstrang. "Will you.." she couldn't hear the rest as once again someone was touching her shoulder. Spinning around again she stood face to face with Viktor Krum. What did he want now? Her own thoughts sounded pissed. Not much changed as the first boy pushed her aside as he took another step past her to stand nose to nose with Viktor. "Mine" he said with his accent that sounded almost Polish. "Eh. How about no?" Lillian broke in the conversation. "If either of you want to ask me to the Yule Ball I have to disappoint you both" her voice sounded very harsh for a hufflepuff. "I'm sorry" she added as she halfway ran towards the castle. She could heard them argue in whatever language they both spoke. Well inside the castle she sat down in the stairs and buried her face in her hands. How long she sat like that she didn't know. Probably an hour, maybe more until she heard footsteps and then someone sat next to her. Looking up she looked straight into Harry Potter's dreamy eyes. "You okay?" He asked concerned. Fully aware that she was Snape's daughter he still couldn't help himself. He needed a date and he needed one now. "Yes" Lillian blurted out before he even asked. Puzzled he looked at her. "I will be your date to the Yule Ball" she smiled slightly at him. When she smiled she looked almost like Lily, his mother. He knew that couldn't be right but still, he couldn't help it.

Fast forward two weeks and it was just a day left to the ball. Lillian had been hysterical when telling her father that she had a date. "Father! He asked me!" She shrieked happily. Severus had raised an eyebrow at her. "Who?" He almost snarled at the thought of his daughter going with anyone from Durmstrang and the thought of her going with anyone from Hogwarts didn't even strike him. Refusing to tell him who she had danced away into the hall in a very Luna like style. Her red hair shining even in the very dim light that was around.

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