Demon As Ruler

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We saw the lights flash the world stop we held our breath for the news. So I waited for the morning to get word who the new ruler of the empire would be.

Thee election had taken place my mind inviosined a different world. A women over all of us can you see it, can you see us a new world a moment in history.

But that didn't happen this country is to insidious for that we got the nightmare candidate. Then the nightmare began and it's been on going for the last two years and still continuing. 

They didn't want a black man followed by a women they wanted to remind  us of our place. They wanted to revive the racist glory days where we swung from trees.

Hmm the bitterness of white America of our triumph of eight years. The whitelash they so wanted to exploit our pains and fears. Domestic TERRORISM returned racism on front street.

There is no bottom no limit to how far down one can go. There is no end to the rabbit hole. Evil has descended on what they deem the nations holy house. 

This evening we hit another rock bottom. I'm not sure that there is even a bottom to descend to or on. I now understand the weight of the phrase in this country still a nigga.

I have no words for the grief and outrage. If I speak how I feel it won't be coherent or calm it will be truly fiery rage. I keep living this nightmare trying to understand how did we go from the benevolent but flawed leader to the demon in plain sight who leads us all to hell.

Only God knows the answer to this please provide clarity as we live through this nightmare unleashed.

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