diary entry #3

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diary entry #3

"You're staring." Grayson commented from my left.

"I know." I squinted towards Martin and Myrna. "They look terrible."

"Yeah. She's too tall for him." Grayson nodded and I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"No, idiot. They're sick."

"Oh." Grayson glared at me.

Myrna and Martin were sitting next to each other at my old table surrounded by all their friends. They were laughing at something Tyla had said but the way Martin kept taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes, and the way Myrna kept sniffling told me they weren't feeling well. This was perfect.

"I wonder if they're okay." Grayson hummed. "What?" He asked when he saw the look, I was giving him.

"That doesn't matter. What matters, is that they're not going to do good tonight." I smirked. My plan was working already and I haven't had to do anything yet.

"You know, I don't remember you being this evil in middle school." Grayson followed me towards the garbage can.

"Stuff changes." I frowned. Life changes you.

"Martin dumping you?" Grayson wondered as we left the cafeteria.

"Do you think that this is about 'heartbreak?' Because it has nothing to do with my relationship with Martin." I turned on my heels and squinted at him.

"Then what is it about?" Grayson smirked taking a step closer to me.

"This is about respect. Martin and Myrna were the only two people outside of my family that I trusted. They broke that. They chose to screw me over. So I'm screwing them over." I hissed.

Grayson took another step closer with his eyebrows raised.

"I don't know anything about you, Blu."

"Excuse me?" I crossed my arms.

"I mean, we are going to be working closely for your little plan. We should get to know each other." Grayson's lips melted into a smile.

I pursed my lips and glared at him.

"This isn't some sappy teen romance novel written by an emotionally unstable teenager. This is real life. We don't need to get to know each other because once this is over, we don't need to be friends." I turned around and started making my way to class.

"Whatever you say, Blu." I couldn't help but get annoyed because I could just hear the humor in his voice.

"Just play your part, Grayson."


The chorus of gasps from the crowd made me smirk as Myrna puked on the grass.

"Come on, Myrna. I'll take you over to the nurse's station." May wrapped an arm around her and they wondered away.

"Well, that was gross." Grayson appeared by my side.

"What are you doing over here?" I glared at him. "Go convince them to switch you with Martin."

We both glanced onto the field where Martin fumbled with the ball.

"I don't think I need to do much convincing." Grayson smirked.

"We cant risk it-"

"Blu, you need to learn how to loosen up." His grey eyes met mine and I crossed my arms. "Have some fun. We can be friends. Or more."

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