Me Too - Theodore Nott

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"So.... we need... eggs...butter...." (Y/N) mumbled as she gazed over the recipe for her grandmother's Christmas Cookies.

"I GOT THE EGGS!" Theodore yelled, running over to (Y/N), then promptly slipping and dropping the eggs. There was a loud crash, and (Y/N) turned around to see her boyfriend sprawled across the floor, covered in egg yolk.

"Theodore!" She laughed, sauntering over to him and helping him up. Theodore sighed sadly. "Sorry. That wasn't supposed to happen..." he muttered. (Y/N) giggled and kissed his cheek. "It's alright. No need to apologize. There should be another dozen of eggs in the fridge somewhere." Theodore nodded, and (Y/N) started to mop up the yolk that had fallen onto the floor.

Theodore then carefully got out the eggs, and a big bag of flour, placing it on the table gingerly. "I think this is all we need," (Y/N) chimed in, glancing over at all the ingredients they had gathered from the kitchen cabinets.

She slowly started to stir her ingredients together, following the instructions perfectly. Theodore grinned as he noticed his girlfriend completely focused on making the cookies, so he waltzed over to the flour, picking it up as if he was going to add more in, then dumped half of it on (Y/N)'s head.

(Y/N) spat out the nasty powder as soon as it hit her tongue. She turned around to face a giggly Theodore, and immediately began to chase him.

"THEODORE NOTT! GET THE FUCK BACK HERE YOU ASSHOLE!" She roared, chasing after Theodore, who was evidently faster than she was.

"SORRY, BABE! I HAD TO DO IT!" Theodore yelled, still laughing and outrunning (Y/N). After a few minutes of (Y/N) chasing Theodore around, she finally tired herself out.

"Alright, let's get back to baking," Theodore laughed, then proceeding to carry on with the baking.

"I really enjoy spending time with you, you know that?"

"Me too, Theo."

"I wish we could spend the rest of our lives like this..."

"Me too, Theo."

"I love you so much. You have no idea."

"I love you more."

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