I remember and Always will

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I remember and always will

I saw you, walking towards me, then walking past me.
I know you saw me too,
I hope you recognised me
'cause I recognised you.
Your tall and lean figure.
Those bunny teeth.
That smile which should be cursed
for raising all kinds of emotions in me
that tured into a nightmare of battlefield where i always lost.
I remember the way your hands and legs sway up in the air
when you laugh heartily.
And of course your lame ass jokes.
I have seen the fragile beauty of your soul.
I could see it all.
I could see you falling in and out of love with me
when we were still together.
I remember your gentle touch.
Oh yes that hug.
I remember those never ending 'heart competition ❤️'
those 8 letters
which unfortunately couldn't stay true from your side.
And yes those
' 3 breaks in 3 months ' duration of togetherness.
Too difficult to stay too wild to last.
Oh 'the deadly us' .
I still remember your voice
Just with a blink and you walking past me ,
I remember it all and always will.
I knew you were leaving
only I know how badly i wanted to meet you for the one last time!
I will always crave for it.
The one last time!
But then my head reminded me
of all those words you said to me. And it only derived me to conclude how much
you hate me,
my face,
my voice,
my smile
And the scar painted body of mine.
I hope with this new city,
New home,
new school
you find a new lover ,
unlike me,
Good friends,
and live a great life.
And if possible please don't forget me,
if you haven't already.
Remember this lover
that you left behind.
Remember that in this fake world,
someone actually said the true 8 letters to you.
And i am sorry
but i could never love your goodbye like this, ever before.
Love your goodbye.
And Thank you.

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