My New Body

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Today I have a book entry for MasterofCupcakes book of "Secret Santa Story Exchange". Although I joined there from my other account xXAngel_BravuraXx

This entry is for BeckyTheOrangeNinja


P.S. This takes place between DOTD and S8.


Who knew this day will come... Everything is somehow going back to the way it was for me.


I don't feel normal.

I feel something that I don't seem to feel within the passed years of my living.

It feels like.. I was reborn.

Awaking, finally giving me a second chance to live?..

Was that right?

Or am I mistaken.

I don't know.. Clearly I cannot tell.

Everything was by now new to me. Very new. Like I was someone else.

But that is impossible.

What do I mean?

I meant he life I was living, the fate of my destiny. Well it was given to me, but I have many choice to go to start.

Just like people says.

Our life is like the wings of the monarch butterfly.

Each lines represents the decisions we make that will lead us to the path of what out story of life will be.

Our lives are unexpected from the future. Our past may define us from who we are, but even so...

Our life costs so much more.

I've faced many things. I've conquered my fears, took the risks and sacrifices, as well as trying to climb myself to the top that leads me to success.

My life can be very complicated.. And I know that as well. It sounded like it wasn't real or just made up but it wasn't.

All I speak for is what I've experience.

Let me tell you, I was given a chance of life to live but it crashes down when I stumbled to a place when it could curse anyone that dares to try.

And I was one of them.

The main reason is... Is to find the scroll of airjitzu, learn it and find a way to get outselves to get the Sword of Sanctuary at the Cloud Kingdom.

Kinda crazy, but things are just getting started.

That curse, just clearly changes me. I was turned, I was tranformed, I was shifted... Into a spirit.

My New BodyWhere stories live. Discover now