chapter 6✔

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Cover credit goes to iam_arpita111
Thank you for the cover

April special

Noah's pov

After zaaya went to freshen up I did the same and went downstairs and met with everyone. We set down and I was just about to ask Xavier about the new shipment went we heard footsteps coming from the stairs. All the heads turn including mine and that's I saw Zaaya I would be lying if I say she looked good she looks sexy wearing my hoodie and sweatpants.

I was sitting at the table head and on my right is Xavier and Ashley and on my left is Colby and she set beside Colby. Not before saying Good morning ☺

Like nothing happened in the morning. Like she didn't kick me in my ribs and kicked me off the bed.

"Hey Ashley didn't you by chance found my phone I need it," she asked my sister after the maid served her the breakfast.

"Yes, sorry I didn't give it to you yesterday. I have saved mine, Xavier, Noah, and the Monkey that's stuffing his mouth with food beside you."Ashley replied comparing Colby with a monkey.

"It's okay and thank you" she replied genuinely. And started eating her breakfast.

"So Zaaya how many languages do you speak, "Colby asked I understood his purpose behind the question.

"Ahem.....English, and a little bit of Spanish. Why did you ask" she replied to Colby's question suspiciously?

Only if we knew!

"No just asking for general knowledge," he said.

Then she and Ashley started their conversation as Ashley was excited about her wedding.

I, Colby and Xavier started our conversation on our most important deal that was going to happen in Italy in a week.

We spoke german so that Zaaya doesn't understand us.

"Xavier, ich möchte, dass du nächste woche an dem Treffen in italien teilnimmst," I said looking at him.
(Xavier I want you to attend the meeting in Italy next week)

" du ernster Noah!! Ashley wird mich töten. Ich habe ihr versprochen, dass ich vor der Hochzeit nirgendwo hingehen werde" he said with a horrified look on his face remembering the day he broke his first promise to Ashley.
(You serious Noah!! Ashley will kill me. I promised her I won't go anywhere before the wedding)

"Außerdem bist du der Mafia-Anführer, an dem du teilnehmen sollst. Warum schickst du mich?" he said questioning.
(Besides you are the mafia leader you are to attend it why are you sending me?)

And then we hear Zaaya coughing Colby quickly gave her a glass of water.

"Are you okay Liebe?" I asked her with a worried expression.

She nodded and went back to talking to Ashley. But something didn't feel right. And I don't know what it is.

"Okay Leute, ich werde nächste Woche nach Italien gehen. Xavier kümmert sich hier um alles. Und Colby, du wirst dich um sie kümmern, egal was passiert. Bewege deine Augen nicht von ihr weg, während ich weg bin."I told them in a serious tone. (Okay guys I will go to Italy next week. Xavier, you look after everything here. And Colby you will look after her no matter what happens don't move your eyes away from her while I'll be gone.)

After breakfast, Ashley and Zaaya went shopping and check on the stuff that came in the morning.

While we went to do our work.

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