The Party pt2🍵

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We danced for a really long time. I mean for a really long time. We didnt drink much since Payton was going to drive home.
While I was dancing someone was yelling my name. I didn't realize it until someone grabbed my arm. I was not not on the dance floor anymore. I was in the closet. I thought it was Payton.
"Payton was are you do-" I said before I stopped. I got so shocked of who I saw.
Then he looked up at me
"Y/n. Hey" he said
"What do u want?!" I said
"And why the hell am I here?!!"
"Uhm. I- I'm really sorry y/n... I shouldn't have done what I did..."
"Well. You should have thought of that before you DID WHAT DID" I screamed in his face.
I tried to just walk out. But Michael wouldn't let me.
"Michael let me trough"
"Y/n please.. can we just talk please?"
"Michael let me go!!" I screamed
"Y/n I still love you"
My jaw dropped when he said that. What did he mean he still loved me.
If he loved me. He wouldn't have cheated.
"I have a boyfriend. Leave me alone"
He grabbed my wrist and wouldn't let go. I tried to get out of his grip but he held me so tight that it hurt.
"Michael you're hurting me!" I said
He got a shocked look on his face before he let go. I pushed him away before I ran to Payton crying.
"What the happened to your wrist?!" Payton said hugging me
"It was Michael. He locked me inside the closet.."

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