Albus's Secret

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The Potters, along with their honorary Potter, Scorpius, drove to 12 Grimmauld Place in a fever of excitement, caused by the impending holidays. Lily was sat in the center of the family's minivan's middle row, going on about all of the gifts that she was sure she would get for Christmas, just as she did every year. James sat to her left, trying to pretend that the invasion of he space was annoying him, (Lily could just sit to the seat on the right, I don't understand why she must take up all this space just to be the center of attention!), but in reality, it wasn't. He was such a sucker when it came to his little sister.

Albus pulled up the seats in the back earlier, used to the Muggle invention, while Scorpius gaped at the fantastic transformation for the third year in a row. Some things never change.

Now they were comfortably sitting in the back row of the minivan, Scorpius unbuckled with his head resting in Albus's lap.

The Potters were used to the way the boys showed their affection. They didn't think twice about it. After all, boys had just as much of a right to affection as girls did; Albus and Scorpius were no different than anyone else.

Albus has never questioned this until recently. He had moved on from the point of questioning his sexuality to questioning why he wanted to fuck Scorpius senseless at any given moment. It was a very pressing matter, considering the two boys would be sharing a bed for the next few weeks.

Albus has never thought about the potential of Scorpius actually returning his feelings. He hadn't considered coming out to anyone yet. He didn't even know what he would say.

So Mom, Dad, I really want to have make out with my best friend. I don't really remember having feelings for any girls, besides Delphi, and, well, we all saw how that turned out.

Probably not the best plan of action.

Scorpius was going on about this book he had just read, when he abruptly stopped. He had noticed that Albus hadn't been listening and, annoyed, he wanted to see if he even noticed when he stopped.


"Nice to see that you're back"

"I never- I wasn't- what?" Albus stuttered out.

"I really wanted to tell you about this book, but now, seeing as you didn't care enough to listen..." Scorpius gave Albus his best puppy dog eyes, trying not to burst out laughing.

"Please Scorpius," Albus begged, playing along. "I reeeeally want to hear about your book."

"All jokes aside Al, what's going on with you? You've been acting really, off, I guess that's how I should put it. You've been acting really off lately."

"Scorp, It's really nothing, I promise." Albus reassured his best friend. "I would tell you if it was something worth worrying over, you know that. Since when have we not told each other everything?"

Scorpios knew when. He knew exactly when. Since the train ride to Hogwarts in their first year when Al's eyes glimmered with anticipation and made Scorpius's stomach lurch. Or when Albus was upset about being sorted into Slytherin, or he was upset, that is, until Scorpius was sorted in right after him. Albus had flashed him the most magnificent smile.

Scorpius hadn't thought much of these feeling, but he definitely knew that this wasn't how platonic friends thought about each other, especially after he came home from his first year at Hogwarts and told his mom all about Albus and how perfect he was.

"He sounds like much more than a friend if you ask me," Astoria told him, her hand held tightly with his as he sat besides her sick bed, where she had been stuck for the past year. "This Albus fellow, he's one of Harry Potter's, isn't he?"

Scorpius was shaken by his mother's conclusion, but he also wasn't too surprised. This was the final indication that he didn't know he needed until it happened.

"Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?"

"Well, I wouldn't run it past him, but once, very briefly, your father mentioned to me that he used to fancy a Potter as well."

"But Mom, Harry doesn't have a-"

And that's when it clicked.

Scorpius has just discovered a whole new world, better known as bisexuality.

He never spoke about Albus to anybody but his mother and he trusted her to take his secret to the grave with her. Unfortunately, the situation ended very much how Scorpius predicted that it would.

He looked up at Albus and smiled, knowing that he would never find out about his feeble first year crush on him. Albus looked down at Scorpius, insanely confused.

"What are you smiling about?" Albus blushed.

"You're pretty, ok?"

He hadn't meant to say that. He really, really meant to keep that thought inside his head.

"No- I just- I mean-" Scorpius sputtered, but he couldn't think of any way to disguise his unintended compliment.

Albus kept smiling and replied with, "Well, Scorp, since we tell each other everything," he paused. "I think you're quite pretty too."

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