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It started with a joke. Really, it did. A groupchat containing eight people, all of which were supposed friends:
Ted, Cooper, Noah, Angel, Travis, Wilbur, Gold, James and Zach.

They've all been pretty buddy-buddy, everything was fine. Of course it was, why wouldn't things be? None of them had any reason not to trust eachother. Because that's what's important when you're friends. Trust. But within the span of a few hours, that wall is what came toppling down.


Exhausted after a stream, Ted slunk down in his leather chair, a tired sigh passing as he turned off his computer, then the monitor right after. He spun around on the chair and got up, taking a couple of seconds to stretch, tossing his phone onto his bed, paying no mind to the fact that it'd been going off. It was just the groupchat Travis made a few days ago. It was originally made to plan for a stream - something different, trying to go outside the box of people they usually hung out with on stream, but it turned more into a groupchat where they all mostly shitposted with each other.

Ted moved over to his selection of clothes, grabbing a hoodie and some comfortable sweatpants and quickly changed, hopping right into bed. He took a second to look at the time. 10:47pm. He shrugged, and decided to just pick up his phone, just to see what the groupchat was on about.

[ - GROUP : the goop family vacation home ]

supertraves: lol wouldnt it be funny like
super traves: if we all just somehow managed to take down schlatt & co

noah_hugbox: Wouldnt be that hard, its just two guys and a child.

cscoopvevo: ya'll wildin lmao

Ted looked at his screen, cocking a brown as he watched the conversation between his friends go down. He wasn't sure how this came to mind for Travis, but.. Then again, it WAS Travis. He let out a soft chuckle, despite the fact that it did make him a little uneasy. The thing was.. Schlatt & Co were a few folks that were former friends of theirs. There was Schlatt, Connor, and their intern, Ty, but something had happened a few months back, and suddenly they lost touch with the three. Nobody knows exactly what happened, they were just.. Off the radar somehow. Stopped streaming, stopped tweeting, nothing from any of the three. Of course they were all worried, but it all began with dumb little theories like ' oh! what if they all just ran away together ', or ' what if they got caught in some dumb gang. '

But the three showed back up again, and fairly recently, too. Except they wouldn't talk to anyone they had former connections with. Still no streaming or tweeting, no response to any of their texts. Except for one vague tweet from Schlatt himself. It read:

' sorry for being gone. probably wont be back for awhile. don't worry, though, everything is just fine. '

Nobody questioned it, except for the fans, but Ted, Carson, Cooper - all of them put their trust in his word, so, they just let it slide. Though they'd make jokes about it on occasion. Ted soon snapped back to reality, not wanting to think too much into it. So, he sent his response to his friends shenanigans.

                                                                       tednivison:                                          i mean they're like a gang                                                                       tednivison:                                  so we can be like our own gang

toxxxicsupport: aha i guess. use our gamer skills as an advantage to bring them down

Pokay_: that's actually so dumb what the fuck lmao
seen by: wilbursoot, cscoopvevo,
        yoitsgold, roastedjames

And just like that, that's where it ended. That's where the conversation ended, that's where friendships ended, and that's where trust ended.

Because just like that, everything flipped on it's head. Only took a few hours, too. Still sitting in bed, half asleep, Ted suddenly got a message.

[ 1 text from Travis. ]

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