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[ 1 text from Travis ]

[ 2 unread messages from Travis ]

Ted peered at the notification, a smirk coming to his face as he clicked on them. Usually when Travis texted him this late at night, it was something stupid, like a dumb meme, or some weird thought he had. They both knew each other stayed up pretty late, so they'd often do this, but he was a little surprised when the messages loaded up on his phone screen, frowning as his eyes scanned them, his face contorting into one of confusion.


ted i did something bad.

really really bad. well, not really but kind of

What's up, Trav?

um well you know how like, in the insta groupchat i made that joke?

Which one?

the one about schlatt & co
like, about taking them down

Right, yeah, what about it?
It was just a joke, what's the big deal?

schlatt saw it

How lol he's not even in the groupchat
And so what? Is he mad? Did he get ahold of you?

someone showed it to him
i don't know who
but yes he messaged me

he's not happy. he thinks we're being serious and i told him it was just jokes and i think that got him off my back for a little bit but he's still suspicious

of me, i mean

and maybe everyone else

said to stay off his bad side "or else he'd deal with it himself" and when i asked what he meant, he just ignored it


Ted stared at Travis' messages, brows furrowing as he glared at the texts, truly at a loss for words. They haven't seen Schlatt in MONTHS, and suddenly he pops back up over what? A dumb text message? Not to mention a text message that was nothing other than a joke? And now he's pissed? That really only made it more frustrating. There was no way this was actually happening. It had to be fake or some sort of joke. SOMETHING like that.



So then do you think we have someone in the groupchat that still has connections to Schlatt?

Like, works for him or something? Works under Schlatt & Co?


i think so yeah

i dont know who tho

and idk who to suspect cus like nobodys talked to him in months.


God, Ted felt like his head was just whirring as he read the messages from his from his friend. What was the point of spy? Or snitching, even? They were all friends, weren't they? There was no reason for them not to trust each other.. So why? Ted clicked out of the chat with Travis, and scrolled through his contacts, searching for Schlatt's name, pressing it and looking through their old chats. Nothing serious - Schlatt was never the most serious person. What's with the change in heart? That's when he began to type out his message.



Hey man, what the hell is your issue?

His thumb hovered over the little green arrow, but pressed it regardless of his hesitation. Why was he so nervous? There wasn't anything to be scared of. Schlatt was their friend.. Sure, they haven't talked in some time but they WERE still friends.

It took about an hour. A long hour, until he finally checked back on the message, looking for a response, only to find that his message was left on read. He sighed, mumbling a small 'oh' under his breath. He had nearly turned off his phone before he saw the three dots come up signifying the other side was typing. Then it stopped. Then started again. It did that a few times before he finally got his response.

You know what the issue is, Ted. The issue is you and your so-called friends threatening everything I've got. I have killed to make my way to the top, I won't let you take that away.
What the fuck
Dude chill the hell out it was just a joke?
And the hell you mean you've killed?

As expected, he was left on read. A frustrated sigh broke through and he just tossed his phone to the end of his bed. He figured that was enough, at least for tonight. He wasn't sure how much more of this weird ominous bullshit he could take, especially at such a late time, so he just laid down, closed his eyes, and was out as soon as his head hit the pillow. He'd tell Travis about everything tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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