Ch 02

311 17 3

Start writing your story

"What's your dorm room?" Jimin asked, his hair bouncing to match his excitement.

"ah...211?"Jin responded.

"Dang it, I got 210," Jimin responded sadly.

"Hey, but at least we'll be right across from each other," Jin said, trying to cheer him up.

"What the world?" Jimin nearly shouted, staring down the hallway that led to their dorms. Jimin, among other angels, watched confusedly as demons of all kinds made their way down the hallway; entering rooms with numbers which were multiples of 6.

"No wonder the dorm numbers were so weird," Jin mumbled.

"Jin?" Jimin spoke up placing a hand on jin's shoulder. "W-what?" Jin stuttered, his ears reddening at their close proximity.

"be careful, you are only half-angel, these demons can be ruthless," Jimin warned. "Okay thank you Jiminie," Jin smiled, hugging Jimin as he walked to his dorm. Jiminie? Jimin thought to himself, blushing as he watched Jin enter his own dorm room.

hmm? Jin mumbled to himself as he stared at the fully decorated room, the closet festooned with uniforms and other clothes. His eyes then wandered over to a letter on the bedside table. Mr.Reeves here, I realized you might not have time to furnish your room so I bought a few things to help you feel comfortable at the academy, much love Keanu.

A few things huh, Jin chuckled to himself, as he heard the doorknob turn. An angel with brown hair and fair skin entered the room, his wings barely able to fit inside of the door as he immediately flopped onto his bed.....







This chapter is drastically shorter since it takes while to type each chapter I just decided to split it :)- Rozelle

p.s see ya Wednesday!!!

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