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smile for me / you whisper in my ear / breath tickling my neck / warm, callused hands gripping my waist / bodies flushed / kiss me

I've listened to your words a million times / wrapped myself in your compliments / blushed at your beautiful phrases / whispered to the night of how I feel for you / i believed in the stories you told of our future / wished for them to come true / i waited for your replies every minute of the day / i prayed for you to be mine / to make me yours / to share all our stories together / to be held by you at all times / to hear you whisper in my ear / to feel your lips against mine / i wished you were mine

i see your smiles behind my eyes / feel your ghost lips against my temple / miss the carving of your hand holding me / i hear your laugh behind closed doors / i hear your songs in the wind / see your shadows in my room

emptiness / the state that holds me / cold shadows holding me close / wind caressing my skin / loneliness is me

I brought a storm with me everywhere I went but I soon learned the feeling of sunshine.

I once thought a boy who I barely knew held my whole attention. I soon figured he was no different from all the other boys in my life and one day I will find my other half.


This is my first poem for this book. I understand it's not the best but you can't improve unless you continue to try. Thanks for reading!

Also, quote from my mom, "boys are stupid".

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