The Extended Ending

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Shy Guy muttered "That shouldn't of happened" under his breath but no one noticed. The seats began emptying out and the two left the ring. Shy Guy didn't go with the rest of the group but Instead went after Action. He tapped him and said "Caleb memes." Action grabbed his phone, so did Shy Guy and they started typing. They know what they were about to do. They both posted continuous memes of SuperMarioCaleb all over their pages. Shy Guy was "too busy" to make another episode, so he didn't show up for Episode 2. AMP choose two new members (AwesomeMarioBros & CoolMarioProductions) Action flooded the ANPC account with Caleb.  The members were sort of angry but enjoyed the episode meanwhile IFF had no clue what the rage was about, about "the fight". Although he wasn't really concerned about the event. They enjoyed the episode guest starring Super Luigi Films A.KA. Obama
And that was the end of the AMB x TMU Fight Story.

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