Chapter 4 Aftermath

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"That was awesome," my friend Jamie squeals into my ear. "You did great!"

"Thanks," I say to her. "But I really need to find someone,"

"Ok," she says.

I leave her side and start to make my way through the crowd. The after party is in full swing and all I can see is bodies around me. People pat me on that back and say great job as I walk by but I don't stop. I have to find Julian. I look down at my phone and see he has responded.

It says "I am outside the door,".

I walk to the door and push it open to see him standing there.

"Julian," I yell rushing into his arms. He smiles and gives me a bear hug. "You're home!!!!"

"That's right," he cheers giving me a kiss on the cheek. "I missed you so much sis,"

"Ok come on inside everyone is here and they will be so happy to see you," I tell him. He smiles and pushes open the fore for me and together we step inside.

As we walk back into the building a new sense of happiness overcomes me, Julian is home, my show went great, my boyfriend Alex and I are super happy and everything is just how it should be. Or at least that's what I thought. I saw home out of the corner of my eye, he had on a catering outfit and was talking to one of the party guests about some thing on his tray.

His hair is the color of the sun and his eyes are a sharp piercing blue that seem like they can see right through you. I turn around to tell Julian I'm going to be gone a second but see that he has disappeared from my side. I am standing in a room full of people I know, but suddenly I feel like the only place I belong is with the golden haired, sea eyed boy. So I hold my shoulders back, put my chin up, and make my way over to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2015 ⏰

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