The Princess Chang-Ping Travels To Help Her People

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After a few days stay at the Wu Liang Guang Temple, Chang-Ping said her thanks and goodbyes to the monks who welcomed and took care of her for she is about to set out on another journey to wherever she plans to go.

"Thank you head abbess and everyone for accommodating me and for taking care of me during my stay here." Chang-Ping said to them.

"You are welcome, Your Highness." said the head abbess. "We are honored that you have visited our humble temple."

"I hope you visit us again, along with his majesty, the king." one of the bhikksunis said to Chang-Ping. "I'm sorry if you had to do some chores here, we didn't know about your true identity until we saw some of your notes."

"Oh it's okay! I don't mind the chores that i did here, at least i had something to do here! And another reason why i left the palace is because of my pursuit of knowledge and at the same time to help our people who are in need."

"Buddha bless you dear child for having such a big heart!" said the head abbess. "May all your endeavors bear fruit! Amituofo!" she said as she folded her hands in gratitude.

Chang-Ping folded her hands back in gratitude and respect and after that she mounted on her horse Yue and said her farewells and left the premises.

"Head Abbess, may I ask a question, why she hid her true identity from us?" the female monk who was with the abbess asked her. "She said her name was Mei-Chuo, but she was Chang-Ping, am I correct?"

"Because she is humble. Chang-Ping is her royal name. She run away from the palace to serve her people." answered the head abbess.

"Blessed is she indeed! May the Buddha bless her for a thousand up to infinite years till she achieves nirvana!" said one of the bhikksunis.

"Amituofo!" they all answered.

Chang-Ping left the temple and started to journey on the next places she could stop by. And this continued for the next few months. She journeyed from every province, city, town, village and met people of every status whether rich or poor and some tribes and helped them with their problems and fought for their rights and mediated in their misunderstandings and taught the people who cannot afford an education how to read and write and how to improve their lives and to defend themselves. She made friends in every place she went and people loved her presence and even gave her gifts to give them their thanks and to say their farewells to her every time she leaves a certain place to go to another.

She was about to be approaching the next province until she stopped her horse on her tracks and read the signpost.

"Caisi City, Dishen Province...." she read the signpost aloud. "Let me check this place out..."

She entered the city gates astride her horse and showed the guard her pass and the guard let her enter the city.

Chang-Ping was amazed as she entered the city and the sights, smells and views as she slowly gallops her horse along the city. "This city is so prosperous! The most prosperous in the province! I wonder what can I see here...?" she thought.

"Look, Yue! Isn't the sight beautiful?" she asked her white mare horse and her horse neighed back in approval. "Don't worry, we'll find a place to eat and stay for the night, okay?"


On the other side of China, Shi-Xian and Lang-Ning rode their horses in the northern and southern provinces, then proceeded to the east and to the west for months. They looked everywhere from every city and town and village, talked to people of all statuses and at the same time, while looking for Chang-Ping, they helped the poor and uneducated how to read and write and how to defend themselves and how to better their livelihood and brought down corrupt officials in the name of his majesty the emperor.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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