When i go with Park Sungwon to study at his dormitry

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After Park Sungwon told the students off and then the bell rang and we both went to next lesson. While the teacher was talking to the rest of the class, Park Sungwon asked," would you like to study and will you be my friend and you can come to my dormitry to study." I said," I will need to ask my mum if I can go with you to study at your dormitry." He said," alright you tell your mum first then I will pick you up and then from your house we will go to my dormitry together."

When school was totally over I said," goodbye to Park Sungwon and when I was leaving I asked for his number and he gave me his number and I saw my mum standing outside the main building and I asked her," mum can I go with my friend Park Sungwon to study at his dormitry." My mum said," yes of course and is he going to pick you up from home and I said, " yes he is and I am going to change my clothes when we get home." She said," alright that is fine." When I arrived at home, I went straight upstairs because I got a text message from him saying he is on his way to my house and I went and put on my clothes then there was a knock on the door and it was Park Sungwon and I opened the door and he said," ready let's go and i said," yes let's go." We walked it all the way to his dormitry.

When we arrived at his dormitry it looked so clean and dashing also there were posters of him and his band. But I didn't know who and me and Park Sungwon sat at a table to study. He was helping me on some questions of maths and English. Suddenly when we were studying I heard a noise from the door and I was scared then some dashing boys came in and said to me," who are you and what are you doing here."I said," hello my name is Madiya and I am friends with your makane and I was studying with him." Park Sungwon said," it is true what she has said." The boys says to Park Sungwon can we talk and Park Sungwon goes with them. I follow Park Sungwon with them and then the boys asked him," do you have a crush on her." Park Sungwon said," yes I do what is wrong with that." I was shocked when I heard that and my heart wouldn't stop beating fast. I run back and sat at the table, then Park Sungwon and the boys come back and me and Park Sungwon start to study again and then Park Sungwon said to me," they are my members that are in the same band as me." I said," alright I didn't know sorry." He said," don't be sorry." The rest of the members look at me and Park Sungwon.

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