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"Jesus fucking Christ, Jimin. I get that we're best bro's and stuff but why do you force me to rub you with that stupid armpit soap?"
The older sniffed up his nose and looked at him arrogantly.
"First of all, it's called the 283 benefits with nice smelling armpits soap and I have already had the worst day ever; I fought a dude in a chicken suit, you exist and I went to a party without sex."
"Well, you got my panties wet."
Jimin looked down at Taehyung's once neat and stylish trousers that were now drenched with 283 benefits with nice smelling armpits soap, water and his own sweat.
"Shut up and continue with my tummy." He huffed.
"You're lucky that I love you."

Taehyung had finally finished Jimin's tummy and looked down to the next part. For a few seconds the boy stared at the other boy's weapon and then figured that he had no other choice.
Although he had to admit that he was everything but excited to do this.
Jimin was beyond drunk and probably would act like Taehyung had done something very wrong what would be very realistic due to the fact that Jimin was basically naked in a bathtub while Taehyung was bent over him fully clothed and his hands above the other boy's wiener.
The younger boy closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
You can do this, Taehyung. It's just like that one time your dad let you ride an elephant on your birthday but there were no seat warmers: it's just a painful experience.
The male squeezed the soap bottle making a scoop of purple sparkling soap appear on the palm of his hands and he rubbed his hands together turning it into light purple foam. Another deep sigh left his mouth.
And then he did it, he put his hand on his best friend's dick.
He seems quite ok-


"N-No homo, tho?"
"Actually, you're twenty one-"
"Jimin, calm down you're-"
And then a harsh slap flew across Taehyung's face.

He definitely screwed up.

Jimin might've been drunk that night, however, he could still remember some parts what happened that night.
And he could definitely remember his best friend touching his weapon.

Which led into him not talking to taehyung for the past three days. Taehyung being Taehyung, tried to do everything to make Jimin forgive him. One morning when they woke up he'd decorated the stairs with flowers and led the path of flowers to a beautiful red shining new mercedes. A beginner mercedes of course, just tiny glimmering mercedes.
sadly, Jimin ignored the path of flowers and straight up walked to the kitchen to eat three packs of doritos for breakfast.
Another day, Taehyung had planned a bromantic dinner across the sea with his best friend and tried to get him there by leading Jimin into a limousine-not to flex or anything-that was actually supposed to go to some random spanish night club but then led its way too the restaurant.
At first things seemed to be great besides the fact that Jimin didn't talk but the older did feed Taehyung some bread that apparently included nuts and guess what?

Taehyung is kind of super allergic to nuts.

So the whole evening he felt way too sick to eat and Jimin ate the dinner all by himself which he really enjoyed but he didn't tell his friend.

To summarise all of this: It was pointless.
Jimin was extremely upset over his best friend's actions and never wanted to talk to him again although they were married and that it'd be lowkey impossible.
However, one morning, Taehyung was absolutely done with the apologies and he promised himself to go off on Jimin.

It was a casual day-not very casual actually because they were married as bro's sent into a honeymoon, one touched the other's dick and now the other one never wanted to talk to him again-and the oldest of the two was preparing his breakfast. He was cooking the bacon when Taehyung once again greeted him but he as always got ignored.

"Listen up, you son of a bitch. We both know that I've touched you there and there. But do you really think i did it on purpose? Okay, I did it on purpose but the point is that I didn't do it because I wanted to touch your wiener. You know why? Because you have a nasty penis! You ballsacks are saggy and it's like smaller than your pinky, why would I ever want to touch that? I don't fucking like your dick, you stupid dildo! Yet you still have to get angry at me for thinking I'm gay for your penis, but I'm not gay for your penis so why do you keep ignoring me? Fuck you and your penis, Jimin!"

Taehyung stood in front of Jimin expectantly. His gaze was angrily rested on a thoughtful Jimin. The only sound in the room was the clock ticking around and a few humming birds from outside singing out the notes of the wind.
Tension was flying around the room turning their ears red.
And after a long silence

the taller felt his cheeks clasping together from a tiny  fist.

rip i cringed.

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