link x sidon [] : fighting rudania

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Sidon remembered Link when he was young. The male fish remembered when his sister had a  huge crush on him, but of course, Link was oblivious. Sidon always watched his sister, Mipha, writing in her secret diary. 

On how much she cared about Link, when she was such a young fish, and he'd always push himself in dangerous situations and hurt himself.

It's been years since Mipha had died inside of Rudania, thanks to Calamity Ganon. The whole of Hyrule had been broken for 100 years and Link was dead. 

The Guardians were crawling at ever corner, and Princess Zelda was trapped in the castle, which every dangerous monster lurked. Sidon can't even imagine walking in there. 

Everyone at Zora's Domain was grieving for Mipha's death and each Zora blamed it on Link. They all hated the man, and the rivers were now flooded too much from Rudania. The Zora could never swim such powerful waters.. and they could do nothing to beat Rudania.

 Electric arrows would send sharp stabs on their fins. Sidon thought there was no hope.. and decided to go for a swim. 

Jumping down from a waterfall, he dived into a river and quickly swam through the cold water. Sidon's thoughts wandered around his brain. Oh, if only I could help my people, but how? The grown fish grunted, the only thing I could think of finding is a Hylian .. or maybe a Rito? They both can sure shoot arrows! But the Rito live half way across the Hyrule territory.  

A hiss cut off his thoughts, there was a Lizalfos, and it was swimming towards him! Panicking, Sidon tried to grab the nearest rock, until an arrow had struck the creature's side. Grunting, the Lizalfos floated and a purple puff exploded. Swimming up, Sidon gasped. "Hey! Hylian! Are you looking for Zora's Domain?" Sidon waved before giving a wide grin.

The Hylian looked familiar, and he wasn't so sure why. The man jumped down and placed his hands on his hips before nodding towards Sidon's question. A smile appeared on the fish's lips. "Well, if you're looking for it, it's a long way up! If you're walking on land of course." The Hylian grunted in annoyance.  "What's your name?" 

"Link."  To his surprise, the man responded. Wait. Link?!  

The prince gasped and covered his mouth. "The Link?! Well.. where have you been?!" As soon as Link parted his lips, the prince had cut off. "You must meet me back at Zora's Domain! I will see you soon! Follow the lanterns and signs! They help!" Sidon dove down into the river and swam towards his home.

After a few hours, Sidon was pacing back and forth near his father. He'd been worried sick ever since he left Link there. What if he died? Oh, Sidon! This is your fault! Sidon scowled himself until he heard metal clanking together. Running, he stopped as he saw a small familiar figure. It was Link! The male panted as he ran towards the fountain. 

Link stared up at Sidon, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Link! Up here!" Sidon called. Link nodded and ran up the stairway. As he walked toward Sidon, the king of Zora's, King Dorephan, rumbled a few words.

"Link is that you?" The large and plump fish mumbled,  "We shall talk.. We have MUCH to discuss about."  A few minutes past, and King Dorephan was still blabbering his mouth. He was explaining on how Rudania was ruining the rivers that ever Zora swam in and how they could do nothing about it. 

Astonished, Link explained to the King that he had his memory erased, and he lived within those 100 years that Ganondorf had taken over. Dorephan was surprised. Link also explained that he was living, and he couldn't remember Mipha. 

Dorephan was heartbroken, but he understood.  "You must help the Zora .. and help my daughter. Please free her spirit." The King begged. Link nodded eagerly.

"Link! You must collect electric arrows! There is a monster above the mountain, and it had plenty of arrows it shot on the tree. We do not sell any arrows here because it may hurt our fins.." Sidon explained and pointed at the hill. "Good luck, I'll meet you in the lake that Rudania lurks." Huffing, Link ran off with a eager Sidon waiting behind.

Link ran from a roaring Lynel, as he stole from the creature's pocket.  He dived in the water, and the Lynel ran off. Sidon swam and waved his hand. "Link! Ya' ready?" He called towards the male as the small man walked after him.  

Link jumped onto Sidon's back, and Rudania rose from the water. "Here she is.. get prepared!" He swam quickly to the point where Link could fall off.  There were waterfalls and the armor that Link was wearing, (the Zora armor of course), allowed him to swim up waterfalls. 

Sidon threw him into the waterfalls. Link launched up the waterfall before shooting down the little targets to open the door to Rudania. The Hylian slammed back down into the water before Sidon grabs Link and places him onto his back. This had happened to the other 3 targets.

As soon as the door opened, and Rudania lowered itself down, Link jumped off of Sidon and onto the door of Rudania. Sidon's eyes softened as he remembered the memory of Mipha. "Link.. I wish you luck. 

Please be safe, and bring back Rudania and peace to Hyrule." Before Sidon could swim away, Link hugged the male fish. Sidon smiled and hugged him back before blushing. "Link.. thanks." Sidon pecked the male's head and swam away.


A/N :   i wrote this for 2 days straight i-

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 04, 2019 ⏰

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