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Rosalice POV:

I sat down on the edge of the fireplace. The flames were calling me.

I wanted to stick my hand in... just to feel the warmth...

"Don't you dare. Remember last time?" Seth came over to me and re-wrapped my already burnt fingers.

This was the second time I had stuck my hand in.

Hey! Don't judge! When a formal pyromaniac like me sees flames...

They want flames.

Ever since Seth told me I lost my memory, my powers have dissappeared.  The only reason I even know I had powers was because Seth told me after I explained my odd attraction to the elements.  Around fire and water I just feel safe.  Apparently they were a huge part of my life.  But aside from hazy connection to these powers, I feel as though the once prominent connection was severed.  Like they were strings I held on to.  But now it feels as if the lights in the room burned out and I can't find the strings anymore, almost like I lost them.

But Seth feels strongly that my powers, along with my memory will eventually return to me.  I can't help but hope he is right.  I feel so dazed.

All I know is that I'm linked to my wolf boyfriend Seth, I had once controled fire and water, and that I have a family of vampires and in that family is my twin and my father Edward who wants to seperate me from my world. 


I smell blood.

I don't know where it's coming from but the aroma is too much.

When was the last time I ate? I week ago, a month ago? I don't know but I'm hungry. Before Seth could even stand up and ask me where I was going, I was gone.  Once outside the door I followed the scent.  I went around trees, and jumped to catch up.  Whatever I was chasing was moving fast.  I'm still slow.  Well compared to my parents.  The human side of me slows me down and doesn't allow me to reach the speed they do.  Although I am faster than any human, I still can't out run full vampires.

As the scent got stronger I knew I was getting closer. 

Soon I could here its footsteps.

stomp, stomp

My meal was big, approximatley 168 pounds.  It was moving, slowly, but surely moving.  It had no idea that soon it would be taking its last steps.  It didn't know that something that only appears in legends was about to drink all its blood.  There was no way it was going to survive. 

Soon the large animal came into view.  It was a moose.  Well I'd prefer a mountain lion, but who knows where I'd find one.  I don't know why but that one preference, seemed to spark a memory.  I feel like I share that love wih someone.  I don't know who but someone.  I feel that distinct connection.  Like that string that was in the darkness... like I'm getting closer to finding it.  Like I'm one step closer to pulling that string and remembering everything.  It gave me a small hope. 

Then I pounced.  I jumped swiftly and landed on the moose's back.  Without a moments hesitation I bit into it's neck and drank.  As i was about to finish it off I heard a slight shuffle behind me.  I quickly swallowed the last drops and turned my attention to whatever was behind me.

Without even a glance at the creature I pounced.  I was in my hunting mood.  I wasn't going to care who was in front of me.  They were threatening to take my meal, or worse, hurt me.

Whatever the creature underneath me was had alot of strength.  As soon as my face was within millimeters from its, it flipped me.  It landed on top of me and pinned me down. 

It definately wasn't human.  If it was I would have easily already killed them.  I tried struggling against the huge force but I couldn't.

I continued struggling against the heavy force.  But I stopped as soon as I felt lips on mine.  Those lips, they brought me back to my senses.  As soon as they touched mine I felt so calm.  My hunter mood went away.  I was trapped in this kiss.  These lips, they were so soft, they were warm.  They felt new and I loved them.  Although I really wanted my first kiss with Seth... Seth, my boyfriend.  How could I even think about kissing another guy.  I quickly bit the persons lips so they would pull away.  They did and when I looked up into their eyes, I smiled.  It was my handsome werewolve.  With that smile I pressed my lips to his once again.


I actually kind of like this chapter.  I also came up with the kiss on my own.  Bella knows nothing.  Well we'll see what she says later.  Anyways... what did you think? I wanna know.  I raised the rating because I mean although I was a little vague on the kiss I didn't want anyone saying they weren't prepared for this kiss.  Although the story will be pretty innocent.  I mean kisses are probably as far as we will get in this story.  I'm sorry if some of you are dissapointed.  Anyways as usual vote, comment, eat a cookie, sleep do what'ca gotta do.  As always love ya!!!




*takes deep breath* whatever. Next chappie I will write and make it too awesome for words!- (new goal)

Okay guys this is it..........

I had no freaking clue as to what I was gonna say.



Hug a Moose... wow I just realized Rosalice killed his brother in this chapter.

Do not lick a squirrel

And I will see you, on the Dark Side.


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