Writing Prompt 1

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Ok so I'm starting with this one because 1. I absolutely love it and 2. it seems like a pretty easy one. I'm trying to get out of a bit of a writer's block right now (I seriously hate being a writer sometimes, writer's block sucks) so I decided instead of coming up with my own ideas for writing, I'd use someone else's! (Glorified plagiarism! Yay!) Hope you like it! -Adrian

Leah sighed and rolled her eyes, still scrolling through Instagram. "Are you going to go away now?"

The killer looked a very odd mix of weirded out, shocked, and confused. "I-I just killed someone you go to school with! In front of you! With an already bloody knife!"

Leah looked over to the killer. "Whatever. I never liked her much anyway."

"You-You're supposed to be the protagonist! The one I have to kill to achieve my ends! The one who saves everyone!"

Leah stayed on her phone, really only mildly annoyed with the killer inside of her house. "Fine. Then kill me. Don't have much to live for anyway."

The killer threw up their hands, exasperated, exposing the bloody knife in their left hand. "But that defeats the entire purpose! You're supposed to put up a fight, make it hard for me to kill you!"

"Sorry, Miss Killer, but I really don't have that kind of energy. Now, can you please go find someone else to kill and leave me alone?"

"Uh. No. In case you haven't noticed, everyone's already died or left town. Except you."

"Then go to another town!"

"But that's not how it works! You kill everyone in one town, or they flee, and then you go on to another! You-You're going against all of the rules!"

Leah looked over at the killer, sarcasm in her facial expression. "Really? So there are rules now?"

The killer stomped their foot. "Yes, there are! There have ALWAYS been rules! And you're breaking them!" 

Leah rolled her eyes again. "Ok. I have an idea."

"What?! If it's some stupid shit, I will actually kill you. I don't even care about the rules anymore, you are a total fuckface."

Leah laughed. "Yeah, no. Nice try. So, what if we team up?"

"What?..." the killer asked, shocked. What was she even saying?

"What if we... team... up? You want to kill people, I have a list about a million miles long of people I would enjoy better dead than alive, and I honestly couldn't give a fuck. I want to die anyway, maybe this'll help me feel something. What do you say?"

The killer widened their eyes and dropped the knife they were still holding without even noticing it. "Uh... sure, I guess. You gotta adhere to the rules, though. I'm not taking any more of your shit."

"Fine. So, what's your name?"

The killer pulled down the hood on her face, revealing brown hair and startlingly blue eyes, a galaxy of freckles across her face. She was... strangely gorgeous. "I'm Lily. Lily James. Et Tu?"

Leah smiled. "I'm Leah Kinsley. I have a feeling we're going to be a good team."

And with that, the Killer of Black Lake became two.

WoW. I... my writing brain took over and I guess I created something entirely different then what I was expecting. I'm very proud of this, honestly. Get ready to possibly hear more of Leah and Lily. I like them already. Also, fun psychology fact: I wrote Leah to be a high-functioning sociopath, so she doesn't actually have emotions. Or at least, not a lot. She doesn't experience happiness or anger or fear or any of that stuff. She has SOME emotions, but most of the emotions she feels are kinda like cheap imitations of the real things. So yeah.

Lily just likes killing people:/ 

Hope you enjoyed!


Short Story Book!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora