Little JELLO Love

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Let me tell you a story.....

Once upon a dream, there were two little blobs of JELLO. They hated each other from the very first time they met. They couldn't stand the sight of each other. Except, they had almost every single class in JELLO school together. So they eventually became tenative friends.

After a while, the purple JELLO began to develop feelings for the blue JELLO. The purple JELLO didn't know what to do with her feelings, so she shoved them in a little box and ignored them.

Except the box wasn't locked very tightly, so her atraction to the blue JELLO showed to all of her other JELLO friends (possibly even the blue JELLO as well) and one of them in particular decided to do somthing about it. You see, the blue JELLO had also developed feelings for the purple JELLO, and their mutual friends could see that plain as day.

During a game of truth or dare, the pink friend JELLO dared the purple and blue JELLO to date for a week....

and they did.

Until the week was over.

They broke up after that, and remained really good friends afterwards, even though the first few days after that were filled with awkward one word conversations.

Then, the blue JELLO moved away.

And the purple JELLO felt her tiny, fragile heart shatter. She still loved the blue JELLO, even though they weren't in a romantic realationship anymore.

She was certain that her broken soul would never mend, and sank into a pit of depression, self pity and anger.


She did mend, and never lost her love for him. The blue JELLO returned, and they kept their friendship pure. (even though there was a betrayal by one of the purple JELLO's friends....) The purple JELLO is still in love with the blue JELLO, and she only wants his happiness, even if it's not with her...

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