Small Script

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[The scene starts with two men talking to each other in a dark and dirty bar, the two of them dressed in white shirts with black suspenders, grey dress pants and both of them have fedoras resting on the countertop next to them]

Guy 1: Ey barkeep! *flags the bartender down* Git my friend over here some alkali to drink, eh?

Guy 2: *claps his friend on the shoulder* Better make that a double, Mistah. Jackie looks in need of some giggle juice.

Barkeep: *inclines head at the pair and then disappears into the backroom* 

Jackie: *turns to Guy One* Alrigh', Nico. Let's talk garbage business, eh?

Nico: *frowns and looks around covertly* Eh, you sure this is the place to gab 'bout that sorta stuff?

Jackie: *grins and pats his side* I've got the bulge here. Ain't no one who can against hot steel tearin' through their bodies.

Nico: *understanding flashes across his face* Ah. 

[After a few minutes of chatting, the bartender gives the pair their drinks]

*Time Skip cuz I'm too Lazy to Write Dialouge XD*

[The door bursts open and two cops storm inside]

Jackie: *grabs the back of Nico's shirt* Ey, we gotta jet!

Cop One: *grabs his gun* NOW DON'T ANY OF YOU MOVE.

Nico: *squirms and Jackie lets go* *turns and pulls out gun on cop* I'm letting any more of ya bloodsuckin' beasts inturrput our meetin'!

Jackie: *Softly* Nic, what are you doin'?

Nico: *growls* Takin' revenge.

[To be continued...?]

Garbage WritingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang