Ggio Vega x Reader

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You were a human in Hueco Mundo. You had one special power, telepathy. You could read people's minds.

Why might you be of use to Aizen? You're not. He may use you at times to figure out if someone is lying, but he can usually do that himself. He also just wanted to make sure the soul reapers didn't use you to their advantage. That's why he let you stay when you fell in love.

Ggio Vega, a fraccion of Baragan, was the love of your life. And you were the love of his life. It took you awhile to break his exterior shell, but eventually he fell for you. And boy, did he fall hard.

"Hey, Ggio?" Your legs were tangled with his, as you played on your phone (most likely reading fanfictions). His arms were around your waist, cuddling you in silence.

"Yeah, Y/N?" He replied in a low voice.

"Wanna know something funny?"


"Grimmjow, Szayel, Gin, and even Ulquiorra wanna put me in a fight with Orihime. You know, that annoying girl who's also a human?"

"My bet's on you. Sure, she can heal herself, but you would know what she would do next and be able to stop her easily. Not to mention I've been training you, and for a human, you're not bad. You're fast and you punch and kick hard."

"Ha, they all say that K have the upper hand in combat. But in defense terms, she'd win."

"Maybe. But you know what?"


"You're still cuter."


"The hell are they doing in there?" Grimmjow asked gruffly.

"No, you're cuter!" Was the only line that could be heard from Vega's room.

"Who knows or cares," Ulquiorra replied. "They are both trash."

"Oh shush. You both are just jealous that Ggio Vega, a fraccion, got Y/N L/N before you two could even try to get her," Szayel told them. "Don't worry, you're not the only ones. Pretty much everybody likes her."

"I think they are having a tickle fight of sorts," Gin chimed in randomly.

"The hell did you come from?!" A freaked out Grimmjow yelled.

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