Rose x Reader

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Requested! He's probably ooc but I tried!!

"Come along, darling," your long-time boyfriend called.

"Where are we going?" You asked.

"That, my dear, is a surprise," he smiled at you.

You dressed in your usual outfit, hoping you two weren't going anywhere too fancy.

"I'm ready," you told him.

He took your hand, and lead you out the door way. Outside, there was a black car waiting. Shinji was the driver, and Hiyori was in the passenger seat, pouting.

Once in the back seat of the car, Rose spoke up. "I would like to thank you, Shinji, for driving us to our destination."

Hiyori perked up, "HEY I'M HERE TOO BUDDY!"  She yelled. Hiyori didn't care much for you either. To her, you were both just cheesy lovers.

"Yes, thank you too, Hiyori."

It was a quiet drive there, as Rose kept his hand on yours, rubbing your knuckles with his fingers.

"We're here," Shinji spoke up.

You looked outside, seeing a pic-nic blanket in the midst of Japanese cherry blossom trees. They were your favorite.

Shinji opened your door, helping you out.

Once both you and Rose left the car, Shinji drove off. You could already hear Shinji and Hiyori fighting, once again.

"I knew you liked quiet places," He said softly, gently taking your hand and leading it to the blanket.

"Thanks," you said. "I wish I was dressed properly for the occasion, Rose."

"I have that all ready for you, princess."

In a nearby tree, there was a beautiful purple dress, fit for a princess all right.

"Oh my god, Rose!" You said, pleasantly surprised. "Thank you!"

You ran off to go change (idk where probably behind a tree lmao), and soon came back. You twirled the dress around, smiling.

"You look beautiful, darling," he told you, staring.

You sat next to him, giving him a kiss.

"Y/n, there's something I have to ask. You've been there for me ever since I hollowfied, and helped me stay calm even when I was about to break down. Y/n, I love you, and I want to ask, will you marry me?"

Throughout the small speech, he had gotten onto one knee, holding out a ring.

"Yes!" You screamed, tears welling up in your eyes.

(I'll leave the rest to your imagination~)

Thanks for reading!!!

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