In The Closet

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*3 month later*

(Jackson's POV)

         Mark and I have never gotten closer. I have became more comfortable with communicating with him and I have decided that I have nothing to fear Mark of. He is incredibly sweet and caring. He hasn't pressured me into doing anything and I really appreciate that.

         "Are you ready to go, Jiaer?" Mark asks.

         Oh, that's another thing, we've been talking in Chinese since Mark is actually pretty good at it. I've explained to him multiple times that he can just use English but he insists on using Chinese to practice. 

          "Yes." I wrote.

          We head out of the room and head downstairs. We are going to the doctor's office to get Mark's cast off. Apparently, Mark's foot healed faster than we thought it would. Just as we were about to leave, BamBam walks up to me and pulls me aside.

         "You can have your phone back." He says as he hands it to me. "You should call your parents, they are worried about you."

         I nod and take the phone. I walk back over to Mark and smiles.

         BamBam found my phone. Apparently, it was in the laundry room next to the washer on the floor. I don't know how I forgot it there.

         Mark gives me a weird look but shrugs it off. He tells me not to forget my phone like that. Even though I have it, I kinda like writing so I'm still gonna use the pen and paper. Well, I ran out of ink about 2 months ago and I already used up 3 notebooks but that's ok. He replaced them for me.

         We left the dorms and headed to the hospital. When Mark got there, he got all anxious. I still to this day can't understand how he's never broken anything except from the accident. I forgot to mention, he is terrified of doctors and hospitals. I looked at him and grabbed his hand. I know how it feels to need comfort. When we walked through the doors, the doctor rushed us back before an Aghases could realize that we were there. He rushed us to a room and told us to wait there. I helped Mark sit on the bed thingy and then he looked at me.

          "I'm sorry if I scared you outside Jackson." He says.

          You didn't scare me. Everybody is scared of something. You are just afraid of hospitals.

          "I guess I'm nervous because they could say that I need to keep it on longer." He confesses.

          I'm sure you are fine. You might even be able to start practicing.

          "Possibly. Maybe---" Mark was interrupted when the doctor came in.

          "Good news Mark. You don't need it anymore. Your last scan showed that its completely healed. We can take it off now." The doctor announces.

          Mark just nods and smiles. The doctor grabs the tools and cuts off the cast. I gave Mark a sock and his other shoe. He was all too happy to finally wear two shoes. He would always complain that it didn't look right to have only one shoe on. The doctor then signed off saying he can start practicing but to keep the tricks at a bare minimum.

          We thank the doctor and leave. We were met with reporters as soon as we got outside. We both just ignored them because reporters aren't something we want to deal with right now. Bye bye 'porters! When we made it to the car, we waved at them before driving off.

*1 week later*

(Mark's POV)

           I got my cast off about a week ago and honestly, I can't wait to get back on stage.  We started practicing as 7 again and honestly, I'm glad. I wouldn't want it any other way. We've all accepted the fact that Jackson isn't talking, even the managers and JYP himself. We've already came up with a plan for that.

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