Star 1: Recovery and Gifts

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I gathered the students and told them brother's orders, I then went on my own to find him and the girl. It took some time but I found them as brother had finished treating her wounds and put a blanket over her. "How is she?" I asked I took the side opposite of him, "Her wounds are deep but not enough to leave scars... except one," he answered. "Well which one is it?" I demanded but he only put his hand to his heart, "It's an emotional one... those are the hardest to heal." We heard the woman stir from her sleep and her eyes flutter open, looking between us before trying to get up to which we stopped her. "You shouldn't move, you fought tooth and nail with a demon," I reminded her and she turned on her side with a look of guilt, "So it really wasn't a nightmare... I fought my own father who.. became a Demon," she mumbled.

"We understand how you may feel, but please think of your health for the time being," Yoriichi said, putting his hand on her head. "We can start your training once your healed, for now why not tell us your name?" I suggested, she sat up carefully as to not exacerbate her wounds, "My name is Hoshizora Hiro, I'm the he- I guess head of my family now..." the woman, now known as Hiro, "Wait a moment, Hoshizora? We've met before but only for a moment," I remembered upon hearing the name. She looked at me with little recognition, "I'm sorry, Father never let me greet guests myself so I apologize for not speaking to you then," she apologized and giving me a look of what I could only gather as regret.

"If it is alright with you... could you tell us what happened the night before?" Yoriichi asked carefully, Hiro looked at her lap and nodded, "A pale man with strange eyes came to the estate and personally for both mine and father's presence," she began. "Father had taught me to keep a sword on my person, incase I should have to defend myself," the woman looked to the broken bladed hilt beside her, "It seems that the time came last night, the man had offered several of us a strange red sake, I declined having never had alcohol before so I was somewhat spared from what happened next..." Hiro's blue eyes showed great fear and anger of the night's terror. "Before I knew it, all the people who had a cup began to attack and even eat the people around them, my father was last to change and had begged me to kill him but... I-I couldn't... I just couldn't!" she said as tears began to well in her eyes again, "I don't know where the man went after that, I had been backed into the room you found me in until Father turned to ash at the light of dawn."

Brother once again began to pet her head in a comforting manner, "You have been through far too much, please rest now," he said softly, Hiro, through reluctant, fell asleep again. Yoriichi and I stood up, leaving the woman rest, "I still can't believe she stood toe to toe with a demon," I spoke out loud. "Having heard of this strange man once again... we can assume he is the first demon, the one who creates all demons," my twin deduced, "As well as training Hiro, we must protect her too." Once again, I looked at my brother in a bit of shock, "If that man targeted her family, it most likely means they were able to create strong demons from her line," He explained to me in his same monotone voice but his eyes showed a look of resolve, "I do not doubt he will come for Hiro again... Think about her injuries, I saw none of her bones had broken or even felt cracked..."

I did think it was strange, but if this is truly the case then her safety is another priority. "Michikatsu... let us promise to protect her, in her father's stead," Yoriichi said to me, he was serious... I nodded now just as serious,"Okay Yoriichi, I promise you that we will keep Hiro safe."

~~~~~~~~~🌙a few weeks later☀️~~~~~~~~

Hiro's recovery took some time, but she was finally able to walk around. Brother and I had gotten closer to her in the last three days, giving her our names to which she called us Michikatsu-sensei and Yoriichi-sensei. Her reason being that we were now her teachers and she should address us as such, I blushed a fair bit but I hadn't noticed my brother's, at the time he had turned away with a streak of red had gone across his cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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Memories of a Dead Star [Michikatsu (Kokushibo) x OC x Yoriichi] Where stories live. Discover now