Comin around the mountian here she comes

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Ok, so this is chapter will be big on Merine and Deidaras pov. Sorry i took so long to update, but i have no free time. Im currently writing this during my algebra two class.



I was about to kill him. He was so loud and annoying. "Deidara! Shut up!" I snapped. One more "un" or "yeah" and I would lose it. Deidara sighed and grumbled. He was nothing like my Dei. I couldnt stand Deidara. It was only a little while with them, then I would be able to retrieve my Deikamade. A little while later, Deidara started babbling again. "OH MY GOD! Shut up!!!!!" I yelled, effectively turning on bitch mode.

"Why, un?!?!"

"Because your voice annoys the shit out of me!" I said. Deidara's face turned beet red. It was day two of our travels, and I was on edge. When I wasnt with Dei, I could get really bitchy. REALLY bitchy. She helped me mellow out.

"Fine then, un." Deidara said. I just kept walking, trying to ignore the blonde beside me. Suddenly, i stopped in my tracks.

"Blondie." I said abruptly.

"What, un?" He snapped.

"Cant you make those stupid birds?" I asked. Deidara looked at me as if saying 'well duh'

"Then make one! It would speed up our trip by a few days." I said. He got out his clay pouch and did the annoying process of making the large bird. I think I really hate this guy.

"Hop on, yeah." Deidara dictated. I climbed up on the stupid thing and we were off.


I woke up and felt a little less alive. Six more days. Six. The countdown was slowly ticking, counting down to the end of me, one way or another. I heard a soft breathing. Konan was still asleep. Figures, the sun wasn't even up yet. Walking down the hallway, wrapped in a blanket, I felt the emptiness really start to creep up on me. Six more days. Then it was over. That was unless she got here in time. But I doubted it. She was the one to use the jutsu anyways. At least, I thought she did. Who else could have? And why would anyone want me?

"Watch where your- oh." A voice said, as I bumped into a dark figure. "I didn't think anyone would be up." It was Itachi Uchiha.

"Neither did I." I said bleakly. He stared at my eyes, and I rewarded him with a blank stare. Itachi was trying the genjutsu on me again. "Give it up. No genjutsu user can affect me. Not even ones more powerful than you." I said. Itachi looked at me amusedly.

"So you're a resistant little one aren't you?" Itachi said.

"You could say that." I replied, making my way past him to the kitchen. I rummaged around until I found my objective. Cocoa Pebbles. As soon as I opened the box, Tobi ran in yelling,

"I SMELL CHOCOLATE!!!!! CHOCOLATEEE!!!" I stared at the hyperactive orange lollypop in shock.

"How are you so annoying this early in the morning?" I asked him, getting out two bowls and pouring us both some cereal.

"Tobi isn't annoying! Tobi is a good boy!" Tobi protested. Now awake, the rest of the Akatsuki filed into the kitchen.

"Practice." A certain puppet said, answering my earlier question. He seemed really grumpy this morning. I thought it didn't sleep.

"Makes more sense." I consented, sitting down and eating my food. The only down side- it was slightly stale and they didn't have any chocolate milk to pour over it. Tobi decided that it was no fun talking to me, and went over to bug Sasori. After about ten seconds of it, Sasori punched Tobi in the stomach. I laughed.

"Someone has a short fuse." Konan remarked, stifling laughter. Sasori glared at her and grumbled to himself. I felt a certain Jashin worshipper's gaze on me.

"'Made," Hidan started. They had all started calling me this, and I wasn't sure what had brought on the nickname. "You look like crap." He announced. The table fell silent as every Akatsuki member stared at me. I heard many different sounds of agreement after the scrutiny. I shared a glance with Sasori.

"I'm fine." I said quickly. "I just have problems sleeping." I informed them. It was apparent that some of them did not believe me, but I couldn't care less.

"Leave her alone." Pein announced. "Its her own buisness." I gave him a small smile. As the people around me went back to their breakfast, I felt lethargic. It was true, I did have problems sleeping, but thats not why I was so drained. Only Sasori knew the truth. Hidan started muttering things about his god, and several cuss words. I finished my cereal, and walked out to the training grounds. I could find peace in the wind among the trees, in the green, in the flowers. Tranquility lived in nature's breath, and the suns warm embrace. Oh, what I wouldn't give for My Notebook. I sat down under a tree, and started to doze. The sun wasn't even fully up, but it was warm.

"Im coming."

The phantom voice lingered in my ears for a slight moment, jolting me from my waking dream. A thread of connection thrummed in me, but the other end was hazy. I had no doubts about who would be on that other end, though my mind still fought the possibility. She wasn't coming! Of course not! I was no where near important enough. The scent of exposed wood hit my nostrils. A certain puppet was working on a puppet of his own, carving away at a hunk of wood. Sugary scents came from the compound, where Hidan was chasing Tobi. Why, I did not know. Nor did I want to know.

"I'm coming."

The phantom voice repeated itself in my head. The sun was still climbing, and the sky was less pink.

"You seem to be deep in thought." Pein said, coming up behind me.

"I have no thoughts. My mind is shutting its self down. Six days left." I said. Pein looked shocked.

"Oh?" He said, poorly masking his befuddled reactions. I nodded, staring at the patterns in the tree in front of me . Pein got up and left, leaving me to stare at the trees.



I was literally sitting next to the most annoying woman in the history of the world. She makes fun of my speech impediment, then insults my art. If she wasn't the only one that could take me back to Sasori-Danna, I would've ditched her a long time ago. Right now she was droning on about someone, but I didn't care to figure out. Her voice blended into the back ground as I focused on my non hearing senses. Wind filled my touch sensors, and endless blue, white, and green. I could smell the air scents. As the day passes by, we made significant progress. I could sense we were only two days farther from the base. I felt giddy. I would see my own Danna soon. The sun was setting as my excited high turned to exhaustion. Time had never passes that quickly, and i felt drained. I drifted off to sleep on my bird, not paying attention to the still awake woman on my clay bird

Where's My Danna? A Sasori, Deidara, Oc, and Oc fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now