Chapter 1 - Lost Love

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I woke up from another amazing sleep from my canopy sleigh bed and I was immediately struck by the bright sunlight beaming down on me. I turned over to see Toni still heavily sleeping so I slyly slid out from under the covers. I went to go grab two choices of outfits to wear and I tiptoed through the house also trying not to wake up Nana Rose so I could go greet my brother Jason.

"Good morning JJ!" I greeted as I walked into the chapel. Jason wasn't very talkative, but we both had a deep understanding. It's almost like I could read his mind.

        "Hope you slept well Jason. So sorry I won't be able to stay around today, I have to go to school, but I need your help with choosing an outfit. Left or Right?" I asked as I held up two dresses of choice. Both red, obvi, but one with white trim and one with black.

"Good choice Jason!" I replied, Jason did always loved white. "Cheryl, hurry up your going to late for.." Toni said as her voice faded out. From her sound of her voice, I could tell she was behind me. Now she knew what I'd been hiding.

        "Cheryl. What the hell is going on!" Toni said in a demanding tone that I'd never heard from her before. "TT, it's not what it looks like." I tried to explain. "Well if it isn't you talking to your dead brothers corpse then what is it?" Toni asked. "Toni please, I had to bring Jason home." I pleaded to her. "You know what Cheryl, we don't have time for this. We'll talk about it when we get home." Toni explained as she slowly turned away and walked off. "Sorry about her JJ, she just doesn't understand." I told Jason excusing Toni.

Later that day at lunch, I sat at the table me and Toni had reserved. There was not reserved sign or anything, but we sat there everyday and everyone else in the school knew that too.

        I waited for Toni to come sit by me, but she never came. That's how I knew Toni was mad, the only other time Toni ignored me like this was when we were broken up. And I hated every minute of it.

       Toni was so affectionate and kind, and I was what others would call clingy or obsessive, but Toni never saw it that way.

      Then my face lit up when I saw Toni walk in, she gave me a glance and I couldn't exactly read it. I couldn't tell if she was scared of me, mad at me, or disappointed. I didn't know which was worse.

      Toni turned away and ended up sitting with Fangs and Sweet Pea. I was left to sit and eat my mediocre cafeteria food alone. I have to say this was the most humiliating moment of my life. Me, HBIC Cheryl Blossom, was eating alone.

Later that night while I was eating dinner at Thistlehouse, Toni finally walked in and started talking to me. "I'm sorry Cheryl." Toni said to me in a calm voice. "It's ok TT, I understand. But I was hoping that we could make room for Jason here?" I asked. Toni didn't respond, but only gave me a look of sorrow. "What's wrong mi amor?" I asked. Toni was silent, she looked empty inside, that's how I knew something was definitely up.

        Then the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." I said. "We weren't expected any guest were we?" I asked Toni as I opened the door.

There were three men in white outfits standing outside. "Are you Toni Topaz?" one of the men asked. "No.." I responded in confusion as I turned to see Toni was sobbing. "Ok, what the hell is going on?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around Toni. "We're here to take away Cheryl Blossom, by the request of Toni Topaz. Signed off my Rose Blossom." the man explained. "Take me where..." I asked, but I already had a feeling, an awful feeling.

        "To Greendale Mental Hospital." the man answered. I let go of Toni in awe, I couldn't believe she would do this to me. "Toni.." I strained out. "It's for your own good Cheryl." Toni replied.

The men came to grab me and I ran into the kitchen. I quickly grabbed a lit candle and aimed it at them. "I swear on the ashes of Thornhill I'll light this place a blaze!" I warned. One of the men quickly grabbed my arm and the other pulled the candle from my grasp.

      "TONI! HELP!" I cried out. Toni turned away from me and began crying. "DON'T LET THEM DO THIS TO ME! PLEASE!" I yelled. The men dragged me away from my love and out of Thistlehouse. The last thing I saw was Toni's crying eyes before I was strapped down in the back of the transportation truck. So many thoughts ran through my head, "Was she really doing this for me?" "Did she want to get rid of me?" And worst of all "Was I truly crazy?"

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