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"Right, vampyr. Who would like to start us off? You can give us the origins of the word, meaning, anything at all."

Behind him Mr. Slate had set up a pretty gruesome presentation, especially if you had a problem with blood. It was a scene from what looked like a horror movie. There were dead bodies everywhere; some were missing limbs, some looked to have started to rot, some were just chunks of internal organs left in a pile to rot and the floor was covered in blood.

The boys in the class seemed indifferent to the blood and gore, they also seemed uninterested in providing an answer for Mr. Slate's question. The teacher in question didn't seem to care about the male population of the class, as his eyes only sought after female students.

From the minute this class started I had a weird feeling off dread. The name of the class wasn't even put down on the timetable, instead there was an ominous Room 24 in bold black letters in the little box. Room 24, as well as Room 30, Room 26 and all the other rooms without a subject that were on the timetable, were all in Rimington Castle.

Rimington Castle. I've dreamed of entering this building ever since my first year at Prescott. Who wouldn't? It's a 300 room, 16th century masterpiece that sits on fourteen thousand square metres of land. Complete with custom suites for all its residents, - old money rich kids of course - classrooms, a ballroom, music rooms, and that's only the rooms we know about.

The castle is closed off to us commoners and is strictly for the high powers of Prescott. They join us in the dining hall for our main meals and classes that we share but for the most part they tend to keep to themselves. Being in here is a fucking dream.

"Sir?" Cynthia. Her dad's the Secretary of defence of the United States. She rarely ever participates in class discussions, opting to let her grades speak for themselves. Which, of course, they always do.

Mr. Slate turned towards her, and remained staring. The only indication he gave that she had his attention. His movements were very graceful, more than those of highly trained supermodels. Suit seemed to be tailor made from the way the material of the clothing seemed to be placing gentle kisses on his skin.

"You are still yet to tell us what class this is,"

"Excellent question Ms. Bavani, this is Vampyr Anatomy. I'll be taking you on a course to teach you everything about us vampyr, or as humans have started to call us vampires. Now before we get started, I'll need to clear all the silly little notions you have in your heads about what we are. I thought hearing your definitions of what a vampire is would be as good a place as any to start." He looked around the room again ignoring all the males in the room.

"Is this dome sort of joke?" Analise said after the room, well the female population of the room, had been left in stunned silence.

"Mr. Alexios, would you mind showing Miss Ravina here that we are indeed very serious."

Everyone in class turned to look where the three of us were sitting. I'd been avoiding looking at either one of them since class started.

Guess that option's off the table.

When I turned to look at him I found him already looking at me. His blue-grey eyes were hypnotising to look into. It was like looking at storm clouds beating down on the ocean's surface. A beautiful dance between the two colours who otherwise never would bave met. I was relieved and disappointed when he looked away. Relieved, because it was intimidating as fuck to stare into his eyes, but sad because it felt like an intimate moment between the two of us had just been ruined.

Alexios opened his mouth and two sets of fangs popped out from his mouth. His canines grew out first followed by his bicuspids. They looked lethal, to put it lightly. Pearly white, sharp and very strong from the looks of it. He could easily bite into, and rip out my neck if he so wished.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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