12 | what happened to me ??

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hello to my baessss and luvvies uwu !! i miss you guys so muchhhhh. wattpad feels so lonely cos yall are not that active anymore. :< don't get me wrong ,, i truly understand that there are things that needs to be prioritized more than wattpad hehe i just can't help but miss seeing you in my notifs. i just want to thank you for simply being my friends. yall are so precious and great and wonderful and amazing and it makes me wanna sprinkle all the love and affection in the world to you guys. what did i do to deserve these precious angels ?? the sweet messages yall are leaving makes my day uwu. it touches my heart, makes me go soft and it keeps me going. whenever i'm feeling down ,, you guys are there to cheer me up and to remind me that i am not a worthless piece of shit. you guys never let me down and i am so grateful for that. cupidtzu ,, eiannexvak ,, axpplecake ,, -TAEVANTE

anyways ,, i know that i haven't been a great friend to yall. there are times where i couldnt reply to your messages to me that fast and when my attempts to cheer you up when youre feeling down fails. :<< i am a bad friend, i know. but ill try to be better , i promise !! ive told you guys this a lot of times already but pLEASE whenever youre having trouble with something,, confused with something or feeling down. DO NOT hesitate to tell me. my dms are always open. i can listen to yo and try my very best to give you a good advice hehe.

to my readers ,, im so thankful and blessed to have you patiently waiting for my updates. yall still comment and vote and i honestly think i dont deserve it. it's been a long while since i updated and i think yall deserve an explanation why. ive been going through some shit for a long timeee already. there's this family problem that affected me so much. i cant meet people's expectations and im disappoiting so many people. there are a lot of things to do in school and it's stressin me out and of course my fucking insecurities. there are times when i try to update but i always end up deleting it cos i feel like it's not good enough. i am running out of ideas so if you have some ,, please share it with me. anyways ,, God is bigger than our problems so i finally decided to stop crying the corner and focus on the things that really matters. i decided to focus on the positive side !! i am currently writing an update for my book omg armyonces and i hope youll like it !! ill try my best to be a better this time hehe. thank you so so so so so much for your support to me !! i love youuuu.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2019 ⏰

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