austin and ally

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Meanwhile in florida ally is sitting cleaning up instruments at sonic boom.

BOOM a loud crash, ally turns around and there's dez with a drum on his head.

"dez, what did I tell you? these are brand new, we just got them shipped today, can't you at least wait one day until you go and destroy it?" she said annoyed as she took it off his head. "hey I was being very VERY careful, but my shoe was untied, and I tripped, but don't worry there's at least five other drums that look like that one, so it won't stand out!" he smiled. "YOU RUINED ALL OF OUR NEW DRUMS!?!" ally said in a panic. "well yea, I didn't want the drum on my head to be the only one that stood out, he was gonna be an outcast compared to the rest of the drums, it wouldn't have be right"
"you know i'm putting this and all the other drums you carelessly ruined on your tab, right?" dez frowned, "I know" he said while putting his head down.

"guess who's the best manager ever!" trish said walking in, "I have BIG news for you and austin, where is he anyways?" ally shook her head "I dont know, ever since I reminded him last night that our one year anniversary is coming up next week he hasn't spoken to me all day, trust me i've tried." "ooo do you think he got cold feet?" dez said considered. "why would he have cold feet? it's not like we're getting married anytime soon." ally said confused. "aw, so you're saying I bought a tux and a gift for nothing? ugh!" he said walking off. "alright then, trish what's the news?" "I'm sorry ally, I can't tell you until austin gets here, no offense but I don't want to repeat the same thing twice."

then finally austin walks through the door. "hey guys! sorry i'm late I had to pick up something special for my special girl!" he said while smiling at his girlfriend. "oh austin I can't wait to see it!" she said with excitement.

another loud crash was heard. "DEZ STAY AWAY FROM THE DRUMS!" ally yelled as she ran to catch him. "so what did you get ally?" trish smiled. "NOTHING I got her absolutely nothing." trish sighed, "so much for special" she said while walking to sit on one of the benches, austin sat by her. "trish this is serious, I want to get her something amazing for our anniversary but every store I went to I couldn't find anything that was good enough for ally. I want something that screams I LOVE YOU ALLY! but nothing stood out to me, i'm doomed." trish could tell this was really beating austin up. "austin,it's going to be okay, you'll find something eventually." austin shook his head, "I went to every store in florida, and couldn't find anything!" "how did you avoid your fans and paparazzi?" austin laughed, "I put on a wig, can you believe that worked? nobody even noticed I was me."

trish and austin laughed, "really? how stupid can people be?" she said while giggling. austin stopped laughing and had a serious look on his face. "don't worry, if you can't find one, then make a homemade gift, ally is a sucker for something that comes from the heart." trish suggested, "a homemade gift, you're right, she'll love that. thank you, you're the best manager ever!" he hugged her. "wait until I tell you the even better news I have for you, if ALLY WOULD HURRY UP AND GET BACK HERE."

"I'M COMING"! ally yelled back, she sat down. "sorry, dez somehow swallowed a drum stick, good thing I know cpr or else we would have to call the ambulance." she said proudly, "is he okay now?" austin asked concerned. "he's fine, he got his foot stuck in a trumpet and I wanted to hear the news that trish has BEFORE I get old so, I told him he's on his own." austin shrugged and trish began talking. "well the news is, THE hannah montana called me and ask to write a song with you guys!" austin and ally were in complete shock, "you mean hannah? like 14 number one hits in a row hannah? like hannah the montana hannah? THE HANNAH MONTANA WANTS TO RIGHT A SONG WITH ME?!!!" ally finally spoke and jumped out of her seat. "are you sure it was her?" austin asked, "yes and yes, she's coming to florida for the united people's relief fund charity concert, so I told her where sonic boom was located and where the nearest nicest hotel is, and she'll be here by tomorrow." trish said with joy.

ally, austin, and trish screamed and jumped for joy, "hannah was my inspiration when I was a kid, I can't believe she wants to work with me!" austin said, "yea mine too! whenever I'm feeling down or have writers block I pop one of her cds in and get inspired all over again, this is the best thing that could ever happen to us!" ally said. "this would also be good for my career too! If hannah montana needs a new manager, I can say on my website that I have clients all across america, and I bet you hannah pays top dollar, I'd never have to work at a stupid job ever again!" trish said. they all couldn't contain their excitement so they screamed and jumped for joy again.

dez came and joined them in their screaming and jumping. after they were done they all stared at dez. "what are we screaming for?" dez half whispered. "hannah montana is coming to florida, and wants to work with ally and I!" austin said. "like montana hannah? like hannah hannah HANNAH?!" dez fainted on the floor, he landed on some tambourines which were now of course smashed and broken like almost everything else in the store because of him. they all looked down at him.

"should we help him up?" austin asked. "I think he's better down there, at least he can't damage anything else in the store while hes laying unconscious." trish said. they all shook their heads in agreement. "i better get going, I got to warm up my voice for hannah!" austin said running upstairs to the practice room. "I'm going to shop for a new outfit, I have to impress her somehow, ally you want to come with?" ally sighed, "can't I still gotta watch the store, maybe later okay?" "okay fine, I'll go shopping by myself for now, see ya." trish left

ally stared down at dez's body. she bent down to feel his pulse to make sure he was still breathing. luckily he was, she got back up went back to the checkout counter, and began writing in her song book. she looked over at dez one more time.

"just so you know, i'm putting those tambourines on you tab, and the trumpet, and the drum stick." she shivered as she thought about what the drum stick had went through.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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