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Some say if you listen close enough to the wind as it whistles, you can hear the cry of lost souls. That fine summer morning, the wind whispered a different cry; it heralded the blessing of new life entering the world with loud, fussing screeches.

The happiness that should have surrounded the birth of Garlen Firth's first child was replaced with a tense darkness that clung to the walls and shadows of the figures crowding the tiny bedroom. A deep despair set into the new father's heart when one of the midwives handed him his new daughter.

The mother would never see the blessing she had created.

The midwives were careful to not say anything loud enough for him to hear, but he knew what was in their words. His child was cursed. She had taken the life of the one who had given her her own life.

What seemed like a second and forever for the wind, they all finally left him and his child alone with sentiments to check in soon and of how sorry they were for his loss. In all their hearts, especially the oldest midwife who had seen such situations many times before, they knew what he would do when they left. Sadness seeped into their souls for the hundredth time that day.

Galen took the tiny child with rosy cheeks and a wisp of chestnut hair on its fragile little head in his arms and carried it from the house to the riverbank behind the cottage. He tried not to notice too much about it. He had to fortify himself, separate all attachments from the small bundle of life.

Lest he remember who's life it took to be here. His pride, his sense of justice demanded he take care of it now before it become a symbol of shame to his name.

Best for it too, he reasoned with himself steeling his nerves for what he was about to do. The villagers, young and old alike, would be cruel and it would be shunned. He was doing her a favor. It, he reminded himself.

Yes, it would only grow to be as twisted and wrong as its birth. He would uproot it before it had the chance.

The wind picked up to a gale, sensing his intentions and somehow angered by them. It whipped around the man's hair violently and caused the baby to make an ugly cry at the sudden cold. The cry did nothing to sway the grieving father from his path.

Grimacing with numb determination, Galen submerged the child he and his beloved wife had spent months waiting for along with every hope and dream they had placed in her, and the lost voices of the whistling wind bore witness.
Sorry if this is rough. I hope you'll stick around to find out what happens next. I realize how this may seem like a complete ending, but I can promise you it's not. I'm new, so I hope you guys will cut me a little slack. I'd love to hear any ideas you might have about the story! Have a wonderful day/night wherever you may find yourself;)

Update: I have created a map as a little fun thing that might help picture all the places mentioned in the story. I'm directionally challenged myself, so this is just as much for me as it is for all of you lol;) enjoy!

 I'm directionally challenged myself, so this is just as much for me as it is for all of you lol;) enjoy!

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