Chapter 6 - Sam's POV

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It was the week later that I became depressed. My mom noticed I was eating, sleeping, talking, and socializing a lot less. I didn't speak to anyone for days, exept my doctor and therapist. They got me eating and sleeping a little more. Then they made me go back to school after a month. 

When I took the first steps into the school gate time felt frozen. I stood there, daydreaming; thinking of all the horrible trageties that have happened in the front yard. Being beaten up several times. Kate and Sherill crying, leaving, and shouting. 

A voice in my head said to go back, but another said it's a new start to a fresh life.

But boy, I wish I'd listened to the voice that said go back, because here come Jarred and Shane, and their crew behind them. "Hey pretty boy, watcha staring at, girls? Sorry my mistake, I forgot that you were gay!" Said Shane. I just stood there. "Ignoring us then huh little gaylor? Well ignore this!" Said Jarred as he walked over to Kate. He looked at her and brushed her hair out of her face. Then their lips met.


I still stood there. "Dumped her boyfriend for me. What do ya think of that pretty boy?" Said Jarred. I stared at Kate, a blank look on my face. But inside I was having a meltdown. Then out of nowhere, Shane's fist came flying into my face. I fell. But I got up and kept walking. Again, a fist to the face. I got up. Shane was getting furious, so now a fist in the stomach. After several cycles of fist to the face or stomach and getting up, Jarred picked me up and threw me to the ground. Then they walked away.

No one came, instead they laughed. They pointed and laughed. Instead of wondering what would happen to me or helping me, they stood and laughed. Even Kate. I couldn't beleive what she had done. She's one of them now. It's like that month was a wake up call for her. A call that said "You suck. Be like them. Be a cruel person so you can fit in." 

She did fit in.

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