Chapter 4

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Your POV

"You have now unlocked the level zero dungeon please accept your prize".

A banner read in front of me. I moved my finger to press yes but the screen disappeared as a hand clicked "no". I turned to Kirito and he just smirked and told me he wanted this place to be secret. I silently nodded and kept on walking through a hallway.
I saw Kirito take out his sword and say...


I smiled and took out my cheap weapon that I bought at the store and charged forward, with Kirito hot on my heels.


"Maybe *pant* we *pant* should take *pant* a break". I tiredly spoke.

The raven head boy sat down on the ground and gestured me to follow. I cautiously looked around to observe wheather there were any monsters but it seemed to be all clear. We had both made it to level 14 in just 1 week.

"(Y/N) have your found any info on where the first boss is?" He said.

I blinked a few times and shook my head. He just sighed and lied down. The boy asked me to lie down too but I politely refused cause I felt I should stay alert. He chuckled and pulled my arm so I was lying next to him. I pouted and gave up. He lightly pulled my cheek and said...

"(Y/N) I'm hungry"

I burst into a fit of giggles as his stomach started growling. I handed him a piece of bread and he just stared at it.

"What. It's not good enough for your taste bud?" I questioned, as I took out my own made sandwich filled with homemade mayonnaise.

The boy looked at me with pleading eyes and I had no choice but to swap with him. He gulped it down and said...

"Where did you learn this"

"ummm I raised my cooking skill, but don't be too happy it's not even close to max."

He stared at me with his eyes wide and gave me a smile. It made my heart flutter. Wait what no this can't be I am not in love with him I have only known him for 2 weeks. I slapped myself to get rid of the thought I glance over and the boy and saw he had a confused face on. I sighed and turned my head away so I could check my stats.

"Hey (Y/N) let's take a break for a bit ok" Kirito announced.

"But we already are?" I questioned.

"No, no lets get out of this place and try searching for the boss room instead, unless yo-"

"Obviously!" I yelled while jumping up and pulling Kirito's hand along with me.

Kirito's POV (IKR finally)

As (Y/N) pulled my hand I followed her all the way back through the dark alley and arrived in the fresh air. Is opened my eyes to get use to the light and covered my other hand over eyes.

My left hand suddenly felt empty as I tried searching for (Y/N)'s hand but was left with nothing. I removed my hand from my face and found (Y/N) was no where to be found. Instead the sound of foot steps took away the silence. I ran after the steps and...

(A/N)- it's sadly short, so yeah I left it on a cliffhanger. As always vote, comment and follow. That's all FOR NOW!

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