the Jeff the killer movie

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This is going to be a theory of the plot of the Jeff the killer movie, and I am going to judge it by the trailer, so the trailer shows a girl (alive or dead) in the arms of Jeff the killer, he is swinging her around as if they're ballroom dancing. Now here is my theory, in a post, Purity films said that he was going to be sympathetic and that we're supposed to root for him, now this is my theory, the film was going to be a Jeff the killer love story, BUT, judging from the trailer it wouldn't be a happy romantic one, because in a few segments Jeff is either torturing her or beating her, or even setting her on fire. Now this is how I think the movie would have been, Jeff would manipulate the girl and kidnap her, then the girl would get stockholm syndrome and want to be with Jeff, now I had read a Jeff the killer x reader fan fiction that got me thinking about this, each book in the series would have a picture from a poster or a clip from the movie trailer, now I think that the film would have followed a similar plot to the books in the series I had read, the series was called A new toy to play with, and I think the film would have followed a similar plot to the three books, by what do you think? What do you think the Jeff the killer movie would have been like?.

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