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Emily's POV

"Time to wake up baby" I kiss Connor's forehead

"Mommy I want sleep" he pulled the covers of the bed to cover his face

"How about I make breakfast and I'll wake you when it's ready"

"Yeah! Night night mommy"

I chuckled and went down to the kitchen to make some pancakes and waffles with ham and eggs.

As I was making breakfast my phone rang Tobin? Hopefully?

"Hello?" I ask forgetting to check the caller ID

"I'm outside open the door" I hear Sof say and I chuckle. I hung up the phone and went to open the door

"Emily my beautiful cousin!" Sofia jumps on me and hugs me

"Hi Sofia come in" I say and pat her back

"Where's Connor?"

"Sleeping because he's lazy just like his aunt Sof" I laugh but she smacks my head "ouch"

"I smell pancakes and waffles!" She yells and runs to the kitchen

I go upstairs to Connor so I can wake him up but he was already up

"Your hair is messy baby" I say chuckling and look at the little boy in front of me with his hair all over the place "you look like a lion"

"That's mean mommy" he pouts

"You're a cute lion now guess who's downstairs!"

"D?" He asks and tilts his head and I shake my head "auntie Sof?!" I nod and he runs out of the room

"Connor don't run!" I yell but I hear little footsteps running down to the kitchen. Too late

"Alright shall we eat? Then we can go to the beach!" Sof tells Connor

"I'm surrounded by kids" I mumble but when I look up both Sofia and Connor look at me with pouts

"That's mean" they both said in unison

Tobin's POV

"Tobin lets go to the beach!" I hear Alex yell

"I'm tired Al I want sleep" I mumble into my pillow

"Tobin Powell Heath you better get up! Some of the girls are here!"

"Who" I ask

"Ali, Ash, Pinoe, Allie well okay mostly all the girls are here"

"WHAT! Why" I groan

"They came to visit us now be nice and get ready we're leaving in ten minutes"

"Fine" I groan while getting out of bed

Emily's POV

"We're here!" Sofia yells

"Let's go hurry mommy I want to go play!" Connor yells

"Go with Sof I'll be there in a bit baby" I say and motion him to go with Sofia

I grabbed the stuff out from the car and went to place them on the sand where there wasn't so many people

"Hurry mommy! I want to swim!" Connor yells

"I'm going buddy I need to change"

I quickly took off my shirt and shorts leaving me in my bikini.

"To the water we go!" I yell and pick up Connor

Tobin's POV

"There's not a lot of people today like usual" Alex says

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