Dreams and Ambitions

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The ringing of the doorbell roused Blake from her sleep. She still heard the sound of raindrops against the roof above her, which her mind focused on more, and she began to drift back to sleep. The doorbell rang again, then again, and it continued. As Blake pushed herself off of the bed, a loud crack of thunder erupted from outside her window. Her eyes went wide and she rushed to the door, hoping whoever was outside wasn't absolutely soaked. She bolted across the kitchen, feet nearly never touching the ground, and flung the door wide open. Standing there was Yang, wearing a light jacket, shorts, and a very unhappy visage.

"Yang, come in! Sorry, I was in bed and didn't hear the doorbell the first time." Blake lied through her teeth, hoping that her drowsiness wouldn't make it obvious.

"It's fine, I don't expect anybody to be awake anyways at like six in the morning." Yang peeled off her jacket and shook her head slightly, showering the immediate area in water from her hair. "Anywhere I can put my jacket so it doesn't get anything wet?"

"Just on the hooks right there," Blake said, "Why are you outside in this storm at six AM?"

"Well the storm calmed down, it was barely a drizzle when I left. I was going to the library to see if I couldn't find anything good to read while I waited for Ruby to wake up." Yang hung her jacket on the door, and Blake noticed that even her shirt was soaked through. Yang definitely had left just after she'd woken up, as she wore what looked like an orange pajama crop-top.

"Do you want a change of clothes? You're soaked."

"Yes please. I don't want to get sick now of all times. Anything will work."

"Follow me." Blake said, gesturing towards the hallway across the room. "What's so big that you really don't want to get sick for?"

Yang sighed and crossed her arms tightly. "I'll tell you when I don't feel like the ocean spat on me."

"Right. Wait here, I'll bring you some clothes, you can change in the bathroom." Blake walked into her room and turned towards the dresser. She rummaged about, looking for something that would fit Yang's style.

"And something that would fit over her hair." Blake thought, adding a bit of a smile to her face. She ended up finding a pair of shorts that had originally been sweatpants, but had suddenly been cut short quite literally buy a lawn trimming accident, and a bright blue shirt that was a size too short for Blake, but she refused to throw it out for simply no other reason than a backup or a lazy-day shirt.

"Here, sorry if it's not exactly comfortable. My laundry day is tomorrow usually, so I didn't have too much to choose from," Blake handed the clothes to Yang in a pile, "If you need anything else let me know."

"Thanks. I'll be out in a sec." Yang said. She closed the door slightly behind her and Blake walked into the living room. She suddenly got hit with a wave of exhaustion – it hadn't been three minutes since she woke up and she had already been in half the house.

"Hey Blake, can I hang my wet clothes on the shower curtain to dry?" Yang called.

"That's fine – just make sure to push the curtain itself aside a bit, the hooks holding it up aren't very waterproof."

"Not waterproof? They're shower curtain hooks!"

"My dad went to buy them and he went with what he found on sale. As you can guess my mom chewed all of his ears off about it."

Yang exited the bathroom, finishing toweling off her hair with the shirt she had worn. She tossed it back into the bathroom and waited expectantly, then made a fist bump into the air. She turned back towards the kitchen-slash-living-room and took a seat in the reclining chair, letting her hair hang over the side of it.

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