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Hello, my name is Vic.

But here, I go by Ripper. I didn't like reaper that much.

People think when you die, you go up or down. Which is true.

But what they don't know is there is a middle place. Where you are analyzed and processed.

This is where we decide if you go up or down.


"Mr. Ripper, you're needed by Mr. Grim, please meet him in his office"

I rolled my eyes. "Hey sweetness, you can go now" I looked down at the girl, who's name I forgot. She lifted her head and wiped her mouth, giggling as she ran out my room.

I pulled my pants up and pulled a shirt over my head. "I wonder what he wants now" I grumbled as I walked up the stairs to his office.

"Hey dad, I hope this is important. I was in the middle of something" I said, plopping down on his couch.

"Victor, I did not call you in here to mess around. Sit up!" He growled. I sighed and sat up, crossing my arms. I hate being yelled at.

"I need you to collect a soul." When he said. I groaned. "But dad-"

"I did not ask for you to speak, this is an order. So get it done" he threw the file onto my lap and sat down in his chair. "You're dismissed" he waved his hand.

I got up and stormed out of his office.

There are so many people here to do this simple job and he makes me do it !

I sat down at my desk and opened the file.

"Hmm Kellin Quinn. Interesting name" I said, flipping through his file.

He was still alive so I decided to pop in the real world to check him out. I stepped into the pod and entered the information in.

See, we can walk along the living whenever we feel like it. Humans just bore me.

There was a bright light before I heard a ding. Like a microwave. I chuckled at the sound.

I stepped out and saw I was in a coffee shop. I looked around and sat down at a empty table.

"Hello, welcome to Belle's. What would you like" I heard a soft voice asked. I looked up and saw ocean blue eyes and pale skin.

"Um give me one second please" I smiled and winked. He blushed and nodded. "Take your time sir" he said before walking away.

He was wearing a white romper that did amazing things to his ass. He looked very familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

I opened the menu and decided that I was going to get a coffee with some eggs and toast.

He came back with his notepad in his hands.
"Have you decided sir?" He asked. Something inside me twitched when he called me that.

"Yes I would like a black coffee, with some eggs and toast please" I said, smiling and folding the menu closed.

"Alright, is that all for you sir?" He asked, slightly smiling. I smirked and nodded.

"No, sit down and eat with me" he paused, looking shocked. "Um sir.. I don't know if I can do that"

I stood up, smiling down at him. "I'll be right back gorgeous" I saw his face get red as I turned away, going to find his manager.

I tapped his shoulder and he turned around.
"Excuse me sir" I pointed towards the pretty little waiter. "He's going to sit down and eat with me, if you have a problem with it.." My eyes turned red as I looked inside his soul. "I'll kill you right now" I growled in his ear.

He was shaking. "I-it's fine, g-go ahead" he stuttered before he practically ran through the doors.

I sighed happily before walking back over to him.
Damn, I really need to ask for his name.

He was already sitting down, looking through the menu. I sat down and just stared at his pretty little face.

"What's your name" I asked bluntly. He jumped a little, I guess not realizing I had sat down.

I chuckled and he blushed, biting his lip.
"Kellin" he said softly.

I froze. I thought I heard him wrong.

I had a slight frown on my face, but quickly covered it up with a grin.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful person" I winked.


I have been wanting to write this story for soooo long. I hope you guys like the idea of it.

Any suggestions on what you want to happen ?

Love you guys - Bri :)

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⏰ Última actualización: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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