chapter 3.

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"I've been thinking about the rabbit story." You said. The old lady looked you expectantly. "Why did the rabbit trick the wolf?" You asked. She gave you a sad look. "My dear child some people will be kind to you but not always out of a pure heart they might even wish you ill-will while doing so." She said. "Can you tell me another story?" You said. She looked at curiously and begin her next story. "There ones was a young man that lived in a cottage near the beginning of the forest. He never went near the village. Until one day he heard a cry for help. He saw a little girl she had hurt her leg and couldn't walk. The young man helped her up and carried her home. He knocked on the door the girl's father opened the door he took his daughter away from the young man glaring at him. The young man walked away he known the village people did not like him but ever since that day he helped them. No matter what he helped them. One day he got sick the villager's went to see he and they helped him." She finished the story. "If they don't like him why did they helped him?" You asked. "There's still good in the world, one kind action sparks another." She said.

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