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The red knife with a handle painted blue from Rose's paint set dug into her mothers stomach roughly, digging through her tissue and tearing through the mussels.

Rose gripped the knife and tried to pull it out but blood got all over her making Rose want to throw up.

 "R-Rosie!!" her twin brother screamed from the stairs well looking at her with fear and disgust in him tiny eyes.

He raced down the stairs before pushing Rose away "Y-You monster!! H-How could you!" He screamed well trying to wake the dead mother but slowly stopped, now realizing she was dead.

"b-brother I-I d-" the feel of something push her made Rose fall roughly to the floor "Y-You killed her!!" Her brother started to kick her stomach.

after a while he ran to the neighbors across the street for help and the police arrived short after to take the body and twins away then examine the knife to find any fingure prints but it was just Rose's.

"Rose...why did you kill you'r mother"

that sentence made Rose angry. 

"I-I d-didn't kill her"

"you'r finger prints where on the knife"

"I-I tried to pull it out!"

silence filled the room after Rose yelled at the cops. She was Six and being accused of murder  just be because she tried to pull the knife out.

"you'r finger prints seemed like you where holding the knife for a while" 

Rose wanted to scream at the officers for being so stupid but couldn't find the voice.

"what w-would i g-gain from k-killing her?" Roses voice trembled as she started to cry "S-She's my m-mom...I-I n-need her...."

The officers sighed and wrote things down before Rose got sent to a room with her brother.


"shut up! don't talk to me y-you freak!"

the word freak crushed her roughly making her start to cry making her brother stay quite.

That was 5 years ago and now she was 11, sitting in a hospital bed just getting out of surgery for cancer in the left lung.

"Well Rose you seem to be stable...I hope you have a good night" the nurse sad before going to leave but felt a small hand grab her wrist.

"I-Issac...C-Call m-me Issac.." she whispered as the nurse nodded then left as Rose fell asleep.

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