Nice feet

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Chapter 10: Varsity


“Yeah Jeremy?”

“I know you heard me on the phone to Dromea and I wanted to tell you that there was nothing to worry about.” he paused in case I wanted to say something “We manipulate the elements all the time. The only reason it’s a punishment is because it gets boring and then you get exhausted. It doesn’t hurt or anything. I promise.” another pause “Dromea is going to show you how we usually manipulate the elements and then the guards are going to show you what’s going to happen tomorrow.”

Dromea stood at the end of my bed. Then she was gone. She came back again and put her hands out. Next thing I knew there was a giant bubble of water hanging above her hands. After that she made roots grow out of the ground and go back in again. She did a little bow and I clapped. It was well good!

“We can only manipulate three things Varsity, Water, Air and Earth. I disappeared by wrapping the air around me, I conjured water out of thin air and I made roots grow out of the earth. Night elves can’t manipulate Water but they can manipulate Fire instead.” she said, whilst looking straight into my eyes.

Jeremy looked at her and smiled “Now I’m going to show you what I’m going to do tomorrow.” The guards grabbed him and I jumped up, but Dromea put a hand onto my wrist. She gave her head a small shake and I sat down. They put a band on each of his wrists and both of his ankles. He started to do what Dromea did but much faster. Jeremy looked like he would get board in a few more minuets and the guards sensed it. They grabbed hold of him again and they took of all of the bright red bands. The guards all left, leaving me, Jeremy and Dromea together in the room. Dromea looked like she just come from the party of the year, she was wearing a stunning silver floor length dress paired with nude colour heels with seven inch ish heels and a two inch ish platform. She looked amazing. Then there was Jeremy in his pyjamas, black as night but not very thick. He had no socks or slippers on but his feet looked … nice. I didn’t really like feet but Jeremy had always had nice feet.

“I must go. I have an appointment with your mother about shouting at her only son.” She said it with a mischievous grin but Jeremy looked concerned.

“No! You can’t go and see Mum alone! She’ll probably make you do Elemental as well!” Jeremy looked like he could plead and beg forever and he began to carry on with his little speech “Let me go with you I could probably get her to let you off…”

“Be quiet my Prince. Oh sorry, be quiet your majesty.” Her voice was dripping with sarcasm. Jeremy looked at her and then he just nodded. In the time it took me to blink, Dromea was gone.

“You didn’t need to do that for me Jeremy…” I started but Jeremy interrupted me “Yes I did, I love you Varsity. I didn’t want you to worry about me and I knew you would. I would be worried about you if roles were reversed. I love you; you’re my little sister!”

I smiled at him and he smiled back “Night Jeremy.”

“Night V.”

I snuggled under the covers and drifted of to sleep. Still not knowing what was going to happen tomorrow.

My alarm went off and I got out of bed. I didn’t care what Jeremy said. I wasn’t going to hide from the world. I just wished that I would have some friends to support me. I jumped into the shower, which was still cold. I dried off and pulled on the new clothes Dromea had left in my room. I walked into my room and found them in a big black sack with a note from Dromea telling me that she thought that they would look good on me. I pulled on a new super dry top, Hollister jeans and a pair of Toms, the same colour as my top. I pulled my hair into a high pony tail. I smiled at my reflection, I felt confident, I mean really confident, for the first time in ages. I made my way downstairs to grab a glass of orange juice and an apple before leaving for school. I saw Jeremy sitting at the table. He looked at me with a confused look on his face. He started talking before I got the chance to explain, “Why are you so dressed up. You’re only going to see me and Mum. No need to dress up V.”

“I’m not only going to be seeing you and mum. I’m going to school today.”

“Fine but let me tell you one thing. There’s another new boy starting your school today. He’s not a night elf.”

I was confused, and then I understood “Oh, you got another Light elf to go to my school! Thank you!” I was excited; I would still have someone in my corner!

“No, you still don’t understand V. There are some elves that aren’t Light or Night elves. They are what is known as Wanderers. He won’t be that good but he won’t be that bad either.” He stopped and then started again “Ness won’t be there either; they have taken her. You won’t see her for a long while V.”

“Bye Jeremy.”

“Bye V.”

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