Toilet laser gets wild

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AYE YO GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE YOU LAZY ASS MOTHA FUCKA LIL BITCH, FUCK YOU I'M USING MY LASER ON MY BUTTHOLE NIGGA, THEN IMA GO WITH YOU AND RIP YO BUTT CHEEKS FROM YO LAZY ASS,  says the character that has no gender, WTF NIGGA WHY DID YOU TAKE SO LONG, I was taking a shit with my new laser, ok let me tell you this shit in Spanish, ese láser es una mierda grande y gorda con elote como las que yo hago ósea mierda pura, lo que te quiero decir es que necesitas ponerle UN TERMOSTATO DE TRES VELOCIDADES EN TODA TU COLA DE PERRA PENDEJA IDIOTA QUE TIENE CANCER Y PONÉRTELO TAN ARRIBA EN EL ANO QUE NO VAS A PODER PUTAS MOVERTE POR QUE EL TERMOSTATO LLEGO DE TU ANO A TU PUTA BOCA DE VIRGEN HIJO DE TU PUTISIMA MADRE. Did you understand because if you don't I will have to break into your room and do it myself, and you won't like to wake up in the middle of the night doing hershey squirts on your bed, do you understand.

So the nigga went to bed big ass butthole juice coming out of his orifice in between his cheeks,

He thought, man that bitch ass nigga isn't going to ruin his fun with the lazar, so he got out of his bed grabbed the gun and killed that fucker that punished him, and he saw as he slowly bled, bro I'm the narrator, and I'm used to this shit, but that bitch has problems like mental ones like fuck that nigga gay as fuck.

Taking a big fat shit on the toilet and in your mouthKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat