Shit volcano

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I was in the toilet and I had an extreme amount of diarrhea in my stomach I was like a pregnant man with diabetes so when I was taking a shit I did a mountain that touched my booty cheeks and made them dirty so I grabbed a roll and wiped but when I was wiping I wasn't wiping my ass I was grabbing the mountain of poop instead of my ass cheeks so I grabbed kilograms and kilograms of poop from the mountain the toilet paper was getting WET from the water in the toilet but I squeezed too hard on the paper and broke it and touched the poop. The only way to get it out of my fingers is licking it so he threw the shit away and started licking his fingers filled with greasy watery poop like it was chocolate.

He finished his massive shit and went out of the bathroom like a champion, and he slept with his big achievement done, he was dreaming about big shits and him doing la cucaracha in his toilet while taking a shit hanging from his butt cheeks, what a good dream.

Taking a big fat shit on the toilet and in your mouthWhere stories live. Discover now