The Idea

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So you died and are revived into the world of dc but you have the powers and abilities as that of a soldier or field seeker in 'xenoblade chronicles x' but the gamer system will be a bit more helpful since in the game for me trying to level up from to lv 30 was basically hell since your either in a area with weak enemies or in an area where the monsters were on steroids so yeah life was shit in the game and loot was hard to come by. I loved the game for the robot mechs and the graphics and enemy designs themselves.

I'll not be mixing any other games or anime abilities into the story.

btw you will not be human when you reincarnate you are essentially the robot body you are since the beginning of the game.( if you don't know what I mean is that in game your body was in a ship somewhere on the planet while you were controlling a robot identical to you until you found yourself.)

anyway it was just an interesting idea.

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