Today's the day

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You'd woken up early cradled in Newt's arms who, surprise surpise, was still sound asleep. You could feel his lips gently touching your neck while he slept. You dreaded this day, Newt's first time in the maze without you in weeks. Your heart hurt at the thought of anything bad happening to him, you squirmed your way round until you were face to face with him. He felt you moving and slowly opened his eyes, he looked at you and smiled.

"Good morning baby." He said quietly.

You couldn't help but smile at him.
"Morning Newt."

He softly kissed your forehead and pulled you in closer, you rested your head into his neck and cuddled him tighter than ever before.


"Yes darling? What's the matter?"

"A-Aren't you scared? We haven't been in there without each other in... w-weeks"

He moved off of you and looked you in the eyes as he spoke softly, "Yes. A little, but I know that I get to come back to your beautiful face at the end of it all, and that makes it all worth it. Don't you worry about me so much today baby, I'll be fine. I promise. I love you darling."

You looked him in the eyes, you knew his words were true. You put on a brave smile for him as you replied, "I love you more, please come back safe."

Your lips met his for a passionate kiss before he gave you an answer. "I can't promise you that Y/N, you know it can be unpredictable at times but, I'll try my hardest."

You gave him a little nod along with a very worried looking smile before sitting up.

"You best get ready, you're in there soon babe."
He slowly pulled himself up and kissed you on the cheek before getting out of bed to get ready.
More to come! Hope everyone enjoyed it, it does get smutty! Not sure where im going with it really tho.
Pleaseee comment any imagine ideas you have!
Cheersss xo

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