Newt's Recovery

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-Your p.o.v-

Its been two months now since my Newtie fell from the maze. Why didn't he tell me he was struggling? I don't like seeing him lying there, what if he's in pain and he can't tell us because of his coma? I wonder if he can hear me and Thomas when we're sat at his bedside.

I miss him so much... I haven't slept. How can I when my Newtie is here like this? I only ever sleep when I'm sat with him but even then it's only 5 or 10 minutes, or until I've realised I drifted off.

"Thomas? Can we go see Newt after lunch?" You said with a croak in your voice. Thomas looked up at you and nodded. He'd been sleeping in yours and Newt's room on the floor since Newt's accident.

"Of corse Y/N. Lets go get some breakfast before its gone." He put his hand out as a gesture, you took it as you both walked out the door to the table. His hand smothered yours as you had quite small hands but it made you feel kind of safe. 

"Morning you two" Chuck said with a smile across his face. Seeing Chuck always made you happy, he always had a smile on his face no matter what, even in this place. "Good morning Chuck" you both replied in sync.
"I'll grab us some food Y/N, want some water with it?" You nodded as you nestled in next to Chuck.

"So, how are you feeling today?" Chuck asked concerning. He was the only one who knew you were struggling to sleep without Newt. You just shrugged your shoulders in reply, so you didn't attract any unwanted attention from the others. Thomas came back with a full plate of food and some water.

You weren't feeling it at all today, you couldn't eat without feeling sick in your stomach. "T-Tom..." You felt dizzy all of a sudden. It was like someone had put you in some sort of cage and was spinning you round and round. "Y/N? Whats the matter? You look kinda pale" You tried to get up to walk back to your room. You barely moved away from the table before you fell to the ground. "Y/N! Are you okay?!" You heard Thomas shouting your name over and over, each timr you tried to answer but you couldn't. You felt someone pick you up, you soon realised it was Thomas when he spoke softly. "Shh, you're safe now. Im taking you to the Medjacks."

       <skipping three hours ahead>

You could hear Thomas talking to the meds. "We have no idea what could have caused it. She's been coming in for her anxiety meds and we watch her take it. You say today was the only day she's been off her food..." You opened your eyes and looked at Thomas. "Im fine. I just feel kinda sick, thats all." You croaked out.

"Yeh but, i know you better than anyone. You don't faint just because you feel sick" You spun round, it was Newt!
"NEWTIE!! When did you wake up?! I've missed you so much!!" You sobbed as you pulled him in for a hug. You hugged him tighter than ever before. "Be careful baby, I'm still a little bit sore but I woke up this morning as Thomas was carrying you in. I've missed you too beautiful."

You felt so much better now Newt was awake. "Thank you for looking after her Thomas. You really are the bestest mate a guy could ever ask for." Thomas was blushing, he couldn't help but smile at you two. "Anything for you Newt. We've both missed you a lot though. It deffenitly hasn't been easy."


Idk about this one but, here's another part! Its kinda meant to be a surprise for Thomas and Y/N.

thanks for reading xo

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2019 ⏰

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