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Two things before we get into it,

1) They're all 16 in this story

2) Mike isn't home schooled in this story

I was jolted from my sleep by the blaring alarms of my clock. "Shit" I swore, jumping out of bed. My nerves were all out of wack and my heart was beating twice it's normal rate. My mind was racing, and it wouldn't calm down. Fuck I forgot it was school today, I thought as I tumbled out of bed.

Normally I wasn't this on edge but you can't blame me for being jumpy! I had just killed a killer clown goddamn it! Now I was supposed to go to school and see the rest of the losers, who had all experienced it too, and I'm not going to lie I was terrified to see how they would react to seeing me again, especially after almost being killed. 

I thought of my options, I could go to school see the other losers, and try to forget what had happened over the summer, or I could skip school and get in massive trouble. Not gonna lie, I definitely found the latter more appealing but decided against it nonetheless. My mom would flip if I missed the first day of school. 

I put my pants on and grabbed a shirt off of my dresser and slipped that on too, then I put my black and white Hawaiian tee over it. "Can't forget that" I chuckled remembering how Eddie once said he wouldn't even recognize me without it. My heart suddenly dropped remembering Eddie, I'm going to have to face him at some point I thought trying to tell myself that it was better sooner than never, that didn't help much though.

I hopped on my bike and rode to school thinking about how to go about talking to the losers. I could avoid them, I thought but I'm in like every class with Stan and Mike. I cursed as the school entered my vision, Well shit, time to suffer.

"Hey Ruh-rich," I heard Bill stutter from behind me, I turned to see the him running up to greet me, he didn't seem to remember anything that had happened over the summer.

"Oh, hi there Billy boy" I laughed awkwardly. Maybe things can be normal again... we started talking and everything seemed just like before the Summers events. I started to smile and laugh and finally feel comfortable.

"Oh the-there's E-Ed-Eddie." Bill managed, he seemed to be having a lot more trouble with his stutter l noticed, wondering if the summer's events could be the cause of this. Then I processed what he had said, and whipped my head around in surprise to see Eddie motherfucking Kasprak. Goddamn it.

"E-eddie!" Billy yelled, bringing attention to us. Eddie looked up to see us, and his whole face went pale, looks like he didn't forget. I tried to avoid eye-contact as he warily made his way over to greet us.

"Hi there Bill," he glanced over to me, "Sup Richie"

Let me explain my situation here. I'm gay, and in love with Eddie. We've been best friends since I can remember. He's really adorable, with his amber quiff and eyes. Dont even get me started on how cute his shortness is. I love everything about him.... even his germaphobic tendencies.

Now back to the story, I , being the gay disaster I was, panicked and grabbed him in a headlock ruffled his hair and laughed, "Hey Eddie Spaghetti!"

He blushed and pushed me away though I could tell he was smiling, "You know I hate it when you call me that.." he muttered trying to hide a giggle.

"Awww you two are so cute!" I heard a voice from behind Bill, I looked up and saw Beverly coming towards us, she looked at us and winked. I felt my face heat up and I looked to see Eddie turning bright red. Fuck you Beverly, we were fine before you came.

"Sh-shut up th-th-they obviousl-ly aren't gay" Bill stuttered and looked at the both of us blushing and avoiding eye-contact. He looked back at Bev and back to us again, "Ah-are you?"

I froze. This was my chance to come out! To be out in the open and- "No" I cut myself off by denying Bill's question. Fuck I need to work on that whole gay panic thing I thought to myself, then looked at Eddie. Ed's, Eddie Spaghetti, the love of my life. What if he was gay? That would mean that I would be even more useless at talking to him. 

"What the hell man?" Eddie practically shouted. He looked furious, and I got scared, what if he was homophobic? That would be the end of me. I felt the tears start to burn at my eyes, and a deep sadness pitted in my stomach. He continued, still mad but seemingly calming down although his eyes seemed to burn into Bill. "What kind of a question is that? Listen, I get that we're close but you don't just ask somebody that. I'm-" he hesitated for a second, and I could have sworn he glanced at me before looking back at Bill, "I'm not gay but if I was don't you thing that sort of question could be offensive or intrusive. Let me come- I mean let people come out when they're ready.

Bill nodded and apologized profusely. He then looked around before turning back to us, "Listen I don't want you to think I'm homophobic or anything..." he turned dark red and then faster then any of us could comprehend he burst out, "I'm gay guys. I'm not messing with you I'm into guys, and mostly I think I'm in love with Stan." 

"I heard my name" we heard, and turned to see Stanley coming towards us laughing, "are you guys talking shit?" 

Bill turned an even darker shade (If that's possible) and tried to hide his embarrassment. He only made it worse though and ended up shouting, "STA-STA-STA-N THE MAN HOW-HOW'S I-IT POPPING?" we all groaned at how obvious and awkward he being. 

Stanley looked at him confused, and then nodded, "Hi Bill" he responded. I think we all wanted to blame his behavior on the trauma so that's what we did. 

I looked over at Eddie who, after ranting, was using his inhaler and finally calming down. He glanced at me and caught me staring at him, I had gotten caught up in those beautiful eyes, and for whatever reason he wasn't looking away. Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw I thought, as he started to smile. Why was he so beautiful.

"You like what you see Tozier?" He whispered only loud enough for me to hear, since the other losers were busy catching up and greeting Ben and Mike who had just arrived. I choked and looked away. What the fuck? Wasn't I supposed to be the flirty one? Why was he doing this to me?

I looked back and answered...

Ooooh cliffhanger! I love those. Anyways, let me know what you think! Comments are always welcome here <3 (they make me feel good and encourage me to keep writing)

Maybe next chapter we'll see some more flirts and bants! 

Forever ~ ReddieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora