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Like what you see Tozier?

Bitch what the fuck? Why was he flirting with me? I looked back at him, hands shaking. He was blushing, or maybe it was just hot out. I looked up at the clouded sky.... okay so maybe not the heat. 

By this time the bell had rung and the rest of the losers as well as everyone else had gone to class. God now we're alone I thought. I continued to try to think of reasons for him to flirt with me. He's not gay I told myself He's not! He told me himself  I scolded myself for ever thinking that he was actually flirting. 

I decided to flip it on him.

"Sure I do," I winked at him, "what's it to you?" 

His eyes went wide and he turned dark red again. Oh god did I do something wrong? It's not my fault I have so much top energy! He just has to deal with it. 

Then something happened. Something I could never have predicted, especially from small, bottom energy, Eddie Spaghetti. He pinned me to the wall and leaned in close, his breath was hot against my face and smelled like mint. 

Looking me right in the eye, he placed his hand gently on my arm and dragged his fingers slowly up my bicep. He licked his lip and bit it. The sight was gorgeous and I shivered. Not all my blood was rushing to my head if you know what I mean.

"Do you like that trash mouth?" God why did I like that nickname so much? Did his mouth get closer? Is he getting closer? What the fuck? Is this actually happening? Am I dreaming?

His leg moved in between my thighs and his free hand, the one that wasn't holding my arm, moved to my hip, caressing it gently. I almost melted at the touch and I hoped to god he didn't notice my very obvious boner.

I opened my mouth to respond but before I could he had pulled away. He turned, his back facing   me and walked away leaving me breathless and speechless. It also didn't help that he was wearing those small shorts that show off his ass way too well.

That fucking tease. I wanted to run after him and kiss him, hard, but I resisted and instead went to the bathroom to take care of my problem then went to class.

*Time skip to lunchtime brought to you by Richie's helpless gayness*

"Hey Bev" I shouted to the redhead that was passing by my table, "come sit with me!" I patted the seat to my right.

"Alright trash mouth" The nickname was a searing reminder of what had happened with Eddie earlier and I sucked in a sharp breath "are the other losers gonna come soon?" she questioned as she came and sat down next to me. 

"Don't know." I answered and started to eat my sandwich.

"So how's your boyfriend?" she challenged. 

I choked on my sandwich and looked at her with fear in my eyes. Gay panic once again. I shook my head, she was probably just referring to our closeness, and we aren't dating cuz he's not gay. There are so many reasons that he wasn't my boyfriend that I almost laughed. 

"Wh-what boyfriend?" I asked and tried to regain my posture, "Oh you mean your dad?" I immediately regretted bringing up her father and almost changed the subject before she shook her head and nudged me, pointing to where Eddie was talking to Mike. 

"That one." 

Oh god oh god oh god. I needed to do something, anything. Then I saw it, Eddie was looking right at me. I need to do something I thought something to make them both think that I'm straight. then it hit me

I turned and looked at Beverly who was giggling about my obvious panic. Not today Bev. I grabbed her face, and without thinking about how weird this was I kissed her. It was terrible, her lips were glossy and sticky, they felt weird against mine. 

I pulled away and saw Beverly looking at me with mixed emotions on her face. She obviously didn't like the kiss very much either which was reliving because I was not into her in the slightest. 

"Sorry about that..." I muttered and looked over at Eddie. Mike had left and Eddie seemed to be hyperventilating, and searching around in his fanny pack, probably for his inhaler. I really hoped that it wasn't because of me but I knew it probably was.

What if this morning wasn't just a joke, a way to get my gay out? what if he actually liked me? I mean it would have been easy for him to lie to Bill, I had and he seemed really passionate about what he was talking about. 

He looked in pain and I wanted to help, I needed to help. I realized right them that I loved him and that I would always be in pain if he was. 

I got up from my seat and walked over to him, he saw me coming and ran out into the hallway, trying to get away from me. I had caused him pain, I had done the one thing I never wanted to do. Hurt Eddie. 

"Ed's!" I called, trying to get his attention, "Eddie please wait!" he stopped, but not because of me, because he was winded. He needed his inhaler. 

I grabbed his arm and faced him towards me. I opened his fanny pack and rustled around until I found the small plastic inhaler and pressed it to his lips. I helped him calm down and looked at him in the eyes. 

"Richie please" his voice was broken, "please don't talk to me, I just want to..." he trailed off. 

"Did you mean this morning?" I asked still not breaking eye contact, " Did you want to mess with me or did you mean it?" His eyes started to glaze over with tears that didn't shed and he shook his head.

"What do you want from me?" he muttered, "Do you think that I didn't see you kiss Beverly? You aren't helping me right now ok? You're hurting me! Don't you understand? Do you see the way I look at you? Don't tease me like this, I really like you but I would never have done anything if I knew you were with Beverly!" 

He broke down, tears in his eyes now pouring out, and his pain was real, his pain was because of me. All I could do was hold on to him.

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